Hi folks
Looking at going in a slightly (!) different direction from my current one in general haulage, and have the chance of some car transporter work for a reasonable size dealer group locally. I’m doing some forecasts and I think that some peak rate work (Feb/Mar, Aug/Sept) would also fit with my plans- can anyone help with subbing rates per car/ per load being offered on new cars? By all means message me if you don’t want to discuss on the forum- thanks in advance!
ECM from what I have heard pay 800 or 900 per day NVD (thats at least what I have heard from NVD drivers). But this has stopped now do to NVD taking the whole contract from Nissan (conflict of interest)
Lithuanians on peak times get around 600 euros per day, but are limited to 250 miles per day.
There are a LARGE number of NVD transporters cross from NI on Cairnryan ferries every week and run to Nissan Sunderland empty.
How does that pay!!!
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They get paid per day, no matter if full or empty.
Its not rare that they will load at Nissan 1 car and then deliver it to Southampton or the likes
They get paid per day, no matter if full or empty.Its not rare that they will load at Nissan 1 car and then deliver it to Southampton or the likes
Highest “carbon footprint” in the country then!!!
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Big Truck:
They get paid per day, no matter if full or empty.Its not rare that they will load at Nissan 1 car and then deliver it to Southampton or the likes
Highest “carbon footprint” in the country then!!!
Sent from my SM-J500FN using Tapatalk
Pretty ironic if that one car is a leaf!
I’m looking at putting a covered transporter on, and have some work lined up, but not enough to convince me to put the money down on the trailer, anybody have any ideas as to who may be approachable for Euro car deliveries?
I’m looking at putting a covered transporter on, and have some work lined up, but not enough to convince me to put the money down on the trailer, anybody have any ideas as to who may be approachable for Euro car deliveries?
Woodsides specialist car transport division.
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