Car insurance question

My girlfriend wants me to pick up a car for her and drive it home. The car is not currently insured but I’m covered to drive other cars on my policy. Now the question is does it have to be insured by it’s owner just to be physically on the road. Don’t want to make a mistake and get points on licence.

not to sure but i think some one has to be fully comp on the car you want to drive dont quote me on it though :laughing:

Woever is the owner, IE:- the name on the V5 has to by law have to have at least 3rd party cover before anyone else can drive it wether they can drive i under there policy…I can guarentee you on that.

If your the holder of a policy that states ‘‘you’’ as the insured is covered to drive any vehicle belonging to you or with the permission of the owner then your ok, other wise ring your insurance for a temporary cover note covering the vehicle in question.
There is sites on tinternet that will do a temporary cover note online, and lets you print a copy off.
Whatever you do, make sure you’ve got the documentation with you when you collect the car, otherwise the goverment money collectors will be on your case, or else it will be
nick nick Keeerching!!! :wink:

Just a point to be aware of here that many people miss. If you have your own policy on your own car fully comp. it may well cover you to drive a vehicle not owned by you, but 3rd party only.

In other words if the car you want to drive is not otherwise insured & you stop at the shop on the way back and the car gets nicked, you’ve lost it!
If YOU crash it, YOU pay to mend it, but you would be covered for damage to other vehicles, people, property, etc.

Need to check the small print in your policy document to find out if your particular policy will indeed transfer with you.

The name on a V5 is the registered keeper, not necessarily the owner.

NO!!! You will not be insured unless you have a traders policy!

Just a point to be aware of here that many people miss. If you have your own policy on your own car fully comp. it may well cover you to drive a vehicle not owned by you, but 3rd party only.

True down to a T, well just about :slight_smile: As long as you have permission from your Mrs you will be covered 3rd party only. If in doubt why don’t you ring the insurance company up and they will tell you what you need to hear

Another very important point…A lot of insurances now only give you cover for driving any other car …in an emergency…in other words…unlike the old days when you could drive any other car…any old time…todays cover only allows emergency situations…so double check that also

insured on any car proding it has tax and m.o.t , no vans or 4x4.

no insurance needed on other car proding not in my name for instance go to collect a car that purchased for someone else am coverd it’s supposed toi be for emergencys but was told by 2 diffrent pepole from my insurance company i am coverd .

dont have traders policy and am only coverd tpft on my own , i was that unsure i got the insurance company to put it in writing and send me it to be on safe side .

best bet is call your insurance company anyone that tells you no without traders policy is talking out there arse , every policy is diffrent

failing that you can get day insurance for around £20per day

I could bet any amount fo money that you cant drive any other other car unless it has the minumum 3rd party… Not you but the other party… Whosever car your gonna drive must at least have 3rd party cover if you wanna drive under your policy of any car/any driver…

Try :wink:

I could bet any amount fo money that you cant drive any other other car unless it has the minumum 3rd party… Not you but the other party… Whosever car your gonna drive must at least have 3rd party cover if you wanna drive under your policy of any car/any driver…

my thinking exactly hence why i asked them to put it in writing and they did

I could bet any amount fo money that you cant drive any other other car unless it has the minumum 3rd party… Not you but the other party… Whosever car your gonna drive must at least have 3rd party cover if you wanna drive under your policy of any car/any driver…

Spot on bud, my mate got caught driving his girlfriend’s car, cause he thought he was covered to drive it
But the car had no insurance and he recieved a nice 6 points and 100 quid fine, and yes he was insured to drive any other car not belonging to himself.


Try :wink:


I used this recently to move a couple of cars around, do it online, it cost me £17.50 for a days cover, certainly cheaper than a fine or points, and what happens if you injure someone without insurance



There’s a bit of pub talk on this thread. Here are the facts:

Some THIRD PARTY policies allow you to drive another vehicle that doesn’t belong to you.
Not all FULLY COMP policies allow you to drive other vehicles.
Some policies that do allow you to drive other vehicles also require that vehicle to have a policy in force on it in its own right, i.e someone must already have insured it.
Some policies don’t.

ALL COMBINATIONS OF THE ABOVE CAN APPLY which is why you need to make sure what your policy requirements are or, as others have said, take out temporary 24hr cover with one of the many firms specialising in this.

The car is not currently insured but I’m covered to drive other cars on my policy. Now the question is does it have to be insured by it’s owner just to be physically on the road.

As said, you may well be covered to drive other cars third party on your own insurance which would be perfectly legal and incur no points. However this policy is only operative when you’re actually driving, if the car is parked on the road it will cease to be insured which I believe (I stand to be corrected) could cause problems for the owner as it’s on a public road although no actually being driven.

Wheel Nut:

Try :wink:


I used this recently to move a couple of cars around, do it online, it cost me £17.50 for a days cover, certainly cheaper than a fine or points, and what happens if you injure someone without insurance

I used when I had to pick up my daughters car a while back, IIRC it cost about £12

If a vehicle is parked on the public highway it MUST be taxed insured & MOTd - source = Leics Traffic Police

I think the answer to this is very simple…You could take a risk and get confirmation from your insurance company…but then you’ll need it in writing to be safe…cos the person you may speak to may tell you one thing…when really it’s another…And as always when you have an accident or get pulled…the insurance company will deny you were told such a thing…their staff are all professionally trained…and hence it’s impossible such incorrect information was given…
Alternatively just pay £20…(you would just probably waste it on crap anyhow)…and get dayinsurance…and have peace of mind. :wink:

(You can drive around in the car for the day and give it a good little test drive)

If a vehicle is parked on the public highway it MUST be taxed insured & MOTd - source = Leics Traffic Police

Minor correction:
If a vehicle is on the public highway it MUST be taxed insured & MOTd.