Car DEAD - killed by an artic - but me ALIVE!

glad your ok
if it helps you could try
I used to work for them and they were really good not just your usual ambulance chasers like for like cars
where and when you want it
dont know if they can help but worth a call
I think the freephone number is 08001385485

laikin’ art:
I’m not making a judgement just looking at it from an advanced driving point of view.

Point taken laikin’ art. Not being qualified to that level, I steered well away from the judgement of anything, apart from the truck driver.

laikin’ art:
Driving into a potential block end, which it appeared to be, is a no-no. Heavy traffic on the inside, heavy traffic on the outside, heavy traffic in front. Once you are inside this it’s a killing zone, if something happens there is literally nowhere to go & you’re at the mercy of other people.

That’s why I worded my question as I did. “Given ROG’s skills etc…” it made me wonder what one ought to do when the situation developed as it did.
The only thing that I’d say is that, IMHO, I don’t think ROG would have knowingly driven into a potential block end.

laikin’ art:
An advanced driver should be well aware of this situation developing & it is without doubt trained for.

I’m sure that’s true, but TBF would you say that a situation could develop quite suddenly, before you realise that you’re “committed”?

laikin’ art:
The problem comes with one moment of inattentiveness. This is why I said that an advanced driver will blame themself regardless of legal blame. That again is part of the training. The analysis after the fact of why it happened & what did they did wrong to find themselves in this situation.

Thanks for that, I honestly didn’t realise half of what you’ve said.

ROG has made an interesting reply to gardun in that he asks “WHAT SHOULD I HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY.” TBH, I’d have trouble answering that…

I’m sure that’s true, but TBF would you say that a situation could develop quite suddenly, before you realise that you’re “committed”

Sometimes we are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The only thing we can do is try to minimise those situations.

In’t hindsight brilliant?

Particularly when you weren’t even there :wink:

In’t hindsight brilliant?

Particularly when you weren’t even there :wink:

No mate. Its called Ninja Drivers !! They can see it a mile off !!

laikin’ art:
[Driving into a potential block end, which it appeared to be, is a no-no. Heavy traffic on the inside, heavy traffic on the outside, heavy traffic in front. Once you are inside this it’s a killing zone, if something happens there is literally nowhere to go & you’re at the mercy of other people.

Yeah, i normally ■■■■ off to the hard shoulder when it gets like that.

Yeah, i normally [zb] off to the hard shoulder when it gets like that.

Mike, do you mean that when the traffic gets heavy you nip onto the hard shoulder to avoid potential contact with other vehicles? Please tell me that’s not the case! You would be committing an offence if you did but more importantly the potential for disaster on the hard shoulder is much greater than if you stay on the carriageway and practice your “advanced” driving techniques. I know this to be true.

Well, I’m alive :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: but my poor little car is a write-off :cry: :cry: :cry:

**WELL DONE** :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: **WELL DONE** :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: **WELL DONE** :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: **WELL DONE** :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: **WELL DONE** :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: **WELL DONE** :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:blush: :blush: Sorry ROG. I couldn’t resist it. :smiley: :smiley:

Hat, coat, door :arrow_right:

where’s that bloody door. :unamused: :unamused:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Pleased you are ok ROG


Er Hit your horn and your brakes tough to whatever was behind you if they hit you there fault, unless it was another wagon then ouch.

Glad your ok mate :smiley:

Well, I go away for a week and you cause mayhem on the motorway.

I suppose its a good thing you are ok :stuck_out_tongue:

Where were the wannabee policemen? They normally have an answer

Sorry to hear what happened ROG, but glad you’re still with us. :wink:


Yeah, i normally [zb] off to the hard shoulder when it gets like that.

Mike, do you mean that when the traffic gets heavy you nip onto the hard shoulder to avoid potential contact with other vehicles? Please tell me that’s not the case! You would be committing an offence if you did but more importantly the potential for disaster on the hard shoulder is much greater than if you stay on the carriageway and practice your “advanced” driving techniques. I know this to be true.

Ok, i’ll come clean. I was being sarcastic, as i’m sure many knew !! I think the idea that someone in lane two gets sideswiped and its their fault, whether they are advanced or not is total bollox. You can leave or make space around you as much as you can, ,you can plan escape routes until they are coming out your ears. You can still be hit. The question “what could he of done differently” still hasn’t been answered. To suggest it is Rogs fault (although not technically) would also suggest he should have his AD removed also, as he has not lived up to its expectations. To go further anyone with an Advanced licence who gets hit should also have their Advanced Licence revoked. Bizzare? Yep, but its not me who is suggesting it.

Doesn’t surprise me that no one stopped, and i’d lay a pound to a penny that its another bleedin foreigner…

Ordinary working people have counted for very little in this quickly disintegrating country of ours for a long time now…

How the hell do fellow British people see something like this happen (you’re not telling me that no one realised what had happened) and just carry on without even stopping to check whether you’re in one piece, or to offer witness to the fact your the innocent party…

Another comedian. Hey ! Leave the funnies to me !! Bloody British and Foreigners, they’re all ignorant !!

Well, I’m alive :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: but my poor little car is a write-off :cry: :cry: :cry:
Southbound M6 J3 to 2 at 5pm yesterday.
Row of 4 artics in lane 1, me and other cars in lane 2 going steadily passed them. Traffic in lanes 2 & 3 slow down so I do same - puts me in the one position that I do not want - right next to the cab of one of the artics - flash - Looks left - artic indicator now on - BANG - it hits me :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Now spinning out of control - hit central barrier and end up facing towards hard shoulder - steers for hard hard shoulder and parks perfectly :smiley:
Who stopped :question: - NO-ONE. :angry: :angry:

Every panel on the car, apart from the roof is either missing or damaged.

Apart from being shaken around like a rag doll and a very mild headache - I’m ok.

I’m guesing it was a left ■■■■■■.

I’m pleased to hear you’re OK ROG.

I would think the M6 would have been quite busy at that time, and as you must have been knocked across lane 3 it’s lucky no-one else got caught up in the accident, sounds like it could so easily have been much worse.

Another comedian. Hey ! Leave the funnies to me !! Bloody British and Foreigners, they’re all ignorant !!

I’m only an apprentice comedian Mike, and i’m new here so don’t be harsh to the new boy, especially as he’s an old farrt. :smiling_imp:

glad you ok

hope you get the truck :imp:


Another comedian. Hey ! Leave the funnies to me !! Bloody British and Foreigners, they’re all ignorant !!

I’m only an apprentice comedian Mike, and i’m new here so don’t be harsh to the new boy, especially as he’s an old farrt. :smiling_imp:

Sorry mate !! Gadanga !!!

Glad you’re ok Rog and consider that as one of your nine lives well and truly used :slight_smile: