Caption this

“Newfangled ■■■■■ …I bet the truck lasts longer”.

Oi Dave, some youngster asked me if we 'ad a HSE method statement…Bloody hell it says Electronic Computer on the side of the box…'Ave we the right box ? "

Guy stood on truck saying to other guy “I haven’t got a clue either, but apparently he bought it from a fella call Mr E Bay”

1st generation iPad was a bit ■■■■■■■■■■■

Now that what I call a Hard Drive!

Shoudda waited for the laptop version, its much smaller, and easier to manage.

That picture needs Bernard Cribbins singing “Right Said Fred” in the background

Tried to post vid of Bernard blast’dam’it iPad won’t let me.

It’s O.K. lads, the customer asked me if I know how to log on and I told him yes, so it’s a good job that we brought some extra dunnage. :wink:

“Self service tills now in use at this store”

I ordered Tablets.

Sorry fella, didn’t realise it was a chemist.

“Many hands make light work” . . . unless half of them are chatting or stood with hands in pockets. :stuck_out_tongue: