I have an interview with Canute Group this Friday in Gateshead Class 1 Tramping

Are they any good and what about the wage
I’m on £25k here in Birmingham DHL - Night Trunk

But home is Ncl and miss it

Been driving class 1 - 6 mths luv it - Reversing getting better week by week. Still have trouble getting it dead straight in an open parking space… Doing my head in.
Luv my Auto Renault Premium… Auto forever - Got to get an Auto car - Would not know how to drive a Manual truck now…

i’v only chatted with a handfull of canute drivers over the years but thay all gave the impression it was a hard work company. was told the owners a million air so it proberley is a work you to the bone company.

Owned by DHL anyway, least you’ll get paid & they ain’t cowboys.

I have an interview with Canute Group this Friday in Gateshead Class 1 Tramping

Are they any good and what about the wage
I’m on £25k here in Birmingham DHL - Night Trunk

But home is Ncl and miss it

Been driving class 1 - 6 mths luv it - Reversing getting better week by week. Still have trouble getting it dead straight in an open parking space… Doing my head in.
Luv my Auto Renault Premium… Auto forever - Got to get an Auto car - Would not know how to drive a Manual truck now…

I know a fair few who went to canute( not ncl), trampers stayed last I heard,day drivers and driver trainer left straight away,I know reasons they left ,seemed a very mixed bag of reasons.
As I say a.f.a.i.k the trampers,or lads who went there tramping are still there,so can’t be too bad as they were ( or some) were right moaners :wink: :laughing:

Don’t worry about the reversing…plenty of Canute/Wilkinsons drivers are in similar position when they start…it soon comes easy/natural!!!
Good company though, decent tackle.
Interesting what you say about Auto trucks & cars…I agree!!! The modern ones are generally great. Sometimes delay just when you need to go i.e. at roundabouts, but yeah, they’ve come a long way in last ten years!!!

Mine is a mare at roundabouts, It takes ages from 1st to 2nd when pulling away.

Owned by DHL anyway, least you’ll get paid & they ain’t cowboys.

Since when?


Owned by DHL anyway, least you’ll get paid & they ain’t cowboys.

Since when?

Yeah, that’s news to me also. Owned or at least controlled & run by the Marshall family■■? Last I knew anyways■■?



Owned by DHL anyway, least you’ll get paid & they ain’t cowboys.

Since when?

Yeah, that’s news to me also. Owned or at least controlled & run by the Marshall family■■? Last I knew anyways■■?

yep,Jim Marshall, his son is up at the Kendal office at the moment… ive worked a lot for them over the last 10 or 12 years via my agency, they do want their pound of flesh but if you dont mind a bit of hard work they are ok…

Maybe I’m wrong, could have sworn DHL bought them a few years ago.

Owned by DHL anyway, least you’ll get paid & they ain’t cowboys.

News to all of us.
2 days ago I was told it was still privately owned on my induction.

I will ask, I think I have to deliver to canute today In Milnthorpe.


Owned by DHL anyway, least you’ll get paid & they ain’t cowboys.

News to all of us.
2 days ago I was told it was still privately owned on my induction.

Yeah, I thought it was a strange fit. Maybe it was just a rumour, there was also a thread on here a while back about it.

drop it hide it loose it would of had the crap logo all over the trucks if the did

I was delivering up at the depot at Milnthorpe toady and seems the guy there never heard of any take over :wink:
They are yellow though :laughing: :laughing:

Do they still do the Thermalite blocks ex Celcon?Thought ON time took then over?