Can't Imagine What He Was Thinking?

from twitter feed of DVSAEnforcement

#HGV stopped at #Boughton due to no Kent Access Permit in force

A further check of the vehicle by our Examiners found 6 of 10 trailer wheel nuts missing & nasty damage to the tyre sidewall

Defects & Offences dealt with

“It was alright when I checked it this morning”

Also, the o/s mirror is missing :open_mouth:

Also, the o/s mirror is missing :open_mouth:

Can’t tell if joking

“It was alright when I checked it this morning”

Also, the o/s mirror is missing :open_mouth:

It’s a mirrorcam merc…

Can’t understand why they’d spend much on what has to be a fairly new truck, but then not do simple stuff like wheel nuts. Rest of trailer looks rather decrepit.

No doubt some boss in Romania or similar told them to crack on or you lose your job. At least this Kent thing might have some uses.

No doubt some boss in Romania or similar told them to crack on or you lose your job. At least this Kent thing might have some uses.

At the end of the day it is the drivers responsibility.
That being said I do wonder how many drivers do actually report these defects only to be told ‘you either keep going or find another job’.

I do have some sympathy for these EU drivers.
It is also another example of how unfair it is that UK outfits are being penalised because they have to compete with dodgy EU companies who just dont play by the rules.

This kind of thing happens way too much for me to think that it is all down on the driver.

That he would get away with it :smiley: :smiley:

Can’t understand why they’d spend much on what has to be a fairly new truck, but then not do simple stuff like wheel nuts. Rest of trailer looks rather decrepit.

No doubt some boss in Romania or similar told them to crack on or you lose your job. At least this Kent thing might have some uses.

That trailer looks fine to me. Top rear corner is the company logo pixelled out. Those yellow bits are for the container lift operator, “lifting clamps go here”.

How he lost 6 wheel nuts I’d hate to guess. But IF I’d been told to crack on or look for another job, I’d take 1 nut off each of the other trailer wheels.
1 missing off each wheel, to get home, is much better than 6 missing off 1 wheel.

It’s an intermodal trailer. You can’t pull one if you have any regard for the condition of what you have connected by the fifth wheel.

Never understood why those yelow markers on wheel nuts aren’t a legal requirement, then at least you get some idea of the nuts coming lose. This is aasuming no one nicked those nuts overnight as their own trailer was missing some.

Did wonder why it had yellow patches on the trailer. Been confused by those before.

There are plenty of dodgy operators who chance it. Think I mentioned previously, a Polish van driver with Polish registered van I met who had a 7.5T van, downgraded to 3.5T and was constantly carrying 2T+ (real capacity 400 KG). He told them each time and they just said crack on or look for another job.

Admittedly there are still iffy ones here like Mansell Davis, but they tend to hide the faults behind paperwork.

Intermodal Lift.jpg

Those lifting arms always look a bit dodgy when a container goes over your head a hundred foot in the air as they swizzle them round.

A lot don’t check anything , I’ve had to ring in missing mudguards , mud flaps ,lights out etc lately , I parked next to one the other day who did his walk round check with no lights on or a torch in a pitch black lay-by , another on a change over asked me if the palls were strapped , he shouldn’t take my word for it he should check the bloody things
My mate , falls out the bunk , ■■■■■■ down the wheel , drinks his coffee whilst looking at his phone , then 15 mins later drives off , ZB joke , any idiot could of took the dog clip off , opened the doors etc etc
I check the lot , x2 most times

Looks like they were nicked they look clean If they had been done for some time they would be dirty.