Can't get into the chatroom!

Every time I try to get in there I get this message;

Connection failed! Maybe your network can’t access the server, or the server is under maintenance, please try again later!

I had the same problem yesterday too…anyone know what’s that all about?

Every time I try to get in there I get this message;

Connection failed! Maybe your network can’t access the server, or the server is under maintenance, please try again later!

I had the same problem yesterday too…anyone know what’s that all about?

Just tried it, and had no problems getting in.

Me OK :slight_smile:

i cant get in either! Parked at penrith til sunday 8 am not able to cause havoc in the room!
Its a conspiracy i tell you neil! :laughing: :laughing:

i cant get in either! Parked at penrith til sunday 8 am not able to cause havoc in the room!
Its a conspiracy i tell you neil! :laughing: :laughing:

And seeing as you didn’t get pics of your favourite barmaid i had to go and get them myself !! You’ll see them later !!

mike you scoundrel lol !
Dont tell everyone cos there wont be room to park lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I got the same message for weeks and only started to work last week

I had this problem re install flash player it worked for me

But then I had probs with net as well

Ive only been able to get in since last Monday before that havent been able to get in for about 5 weeks

Ive only been able to get in since last Monday before that havent been able to get in for about 5 weeks

That would be due to the problems the whole site was having over that period.

It should be ok for everyone now.

Just tried it :open_mouth: got straight in.

Still can’t get in…maybe I’m banned :open_mouth:

Just been in again quick natter, works fine. :open_mouth: :laughing:

I can’t get in either :cry: Tried reinstalling flash and clearing my cookies etc

Look guys, the bottom line is this. Back in the days of yore when Rikki and I still owned this website I wanted an integrated chatroom because the one we’d been loaned use of by Willy Gofar had developed a liking for throwing pop-ups at us and was driving us all nuts. So Rik said “Go and buy yourself one then”. So I did. Out of my wages.

Unfortunately I come from Yorkshire and therefore have a major aversion to spending any more than I have to on anything, so I bought the cheapest one I could find which worked and had half decent reviews. It was a revelation at time, but is now clunky, obsolete, and generally a bit crap.

Thing is, as you all know a general site upgrade is in the works and the purchase/installation of a new chatroom will be part of that. So it will get sorted, although we don’t actually know when. You’ll just have to watch this space.

In the meantime, since I’m a) tight and b) skint, you can blame me for the general crapness of the poor quality product we have at the moment and stop hassling Rik since there’s nothing on god’s green earth he can do to make me shell out for another one whilst there’s even a smidgen of hope that we can get someone else to foot the bill. Thankyou. :wink:

Hard to tell what the problem here is without seeing it myself.
Flash is a pain in the backside…

If you still cant get in some of the following MIGHT help.

a) Try deleting your cookies, and remeber to close the browser before trying again to make sure any cookies in memory are cleared.

b) Try using another browser. Flash is common to both but different browsers store cookies in different places, might work.

c) Uninstall Flash, reboot, download the latest Flash player.

Hopr this helps.

OK, I’ve sussed it out…I can’t get into the chatroom using Firefox, but I can get in using Internet Explorer.

Sorted :smiley:

Bloomin’ typical :unamused: .

When we had server problems and lots of people had problems getting into the chat-room, I didn’t have any real problem.

I’ve just formatted my HDD, re-installed almost everything and put a new improved software Firewall in.
Now I can’t get into the chat-room.
Both Willie-Mac and DieselDave were in there last night, so I know the chat-room was working.
I was getting the
Connection failed! Maybe your network can’t access the server, or the server is under maintenance, please try again later!

I use the Mozilla SeaMonkey Suite for internet browsing and e-mail etc.
I’ve installed all the plug-ins, Adobe Reader,
Adobe Flash Player,
Adobe Shockwave Player,
Java Runtime Environment (JRE),
These are all with the latest up-dates.

If it’s my firewall blocking it, I can’t see the ‘blocking event’ occurring, although I’m not really that sure what it is exactly that I’m looking for.

Has anyone got any other ideas?

OK, I’ve sussed it out…I can’t get into the chatroom using Firefox, but I can get in using Internet Explorer.

Sorted :smiley:

Chit just don’t tell clarky shrek … he is lost without you lol.

He is running round shouting SHREK come and sign this Pre-nuptual lol :open_mouth:

OK, I’ve sussed it out…I can’t get into the chatroom using Firefox, but I can get in using Internet Explorer.

Sorted :smiley:

Funnily enough, this works for me too.
I got straight in using IE, so the chat-room is now marked as an IE link, in IE View, on SeaMonkey. Jobs a good’un :laughing: :laughing: