Cant change my avatar

Warning: copy(./images/avatars/45069068248be8dd08309a.jpg) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/truck/tnuk/phpBB2/includes/usercp_avatar.php on line 241

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/truck/tnuk/phpBB2/includes/usercp_avatar.php:241) in /home/truck/tnuk/phpBB2/includes/page_header.php on line 535

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/truck/tnuk/phpBB2/includes/usercp_avatar.php:241) in /home/truck/tnuk/phpBB2/includes/page_header.php on line 537

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/truck/tnuk/phpBB2/includes/usercp_avatar.php:241) in /home/truck/tnuk/phpBB2/includes/page_header.php on line 538

WTF does this mean?

I assume, as I cannot see one, you have ticked the box in profile that removes the old avatar - I ASSUME that makes a difference :unamused:

Just to be sure that the avatar pic works - post it in a reply on here :bulb: :bulb: :smiley:

When you change your avatar you see it on your old and new posts instantly but thanks anyway.

does the pic you want to use load up on here in a normal post :question:

Correct mer if I’m wrong but as the url for your avatar is a trucknet addy it looks like you’re trying to upload the image to Trucknet instead of linking to if from a host site.

You need to host the image on the net and then put the url for the new avatar in the "Link to off-site Avatar:
" field of your profile.


NO its on my HDD 57x80 and 4.00 kb in size, well within the limits but when I try I get this error message it says denied in it maybe they dont want me to have one??.


Here it is on imageshack.]( "[/url]

Here it is on imageshack.")](

Tacho AFAIK you can upload one to the site.

It says upload to site when you go to the avatar change thing.#

I have linked it to off site but its pretty poor I might have to make it a bit bigger.

Tacho AFAIK you can upload one to the site.

It says upload to site when you go to the avatar change thing.#

That feature doesn’t work :wink:

I think you’ll find the only way to get an avatar to show is if you put it on the net and link to it.