Cannot search

Hi, New here. First post. I would search for this topic but that’s just the problem - I can’t search. Running W10, have tried on both Chrome and Edge. I simply cannot get a cursor in the search box at the top. I can only think it’s a coding error and incompatibility with latest OS/browsers. Anyone know anything about this? Thanks.

I’ve just tried the search function with the latest versions of Firefox, IE, Edge and Chrome and all worked fine.

I did have one problem with Chrome where I couldn’t get the cursor in the search box but that worked again after refreshing the page, apart from that one time it’s working fine for me.

Hi tachograph, Thanks for the feedback. Oddly it is working this morning. The issue I seem to have on and off is just as you described and refreshing the page did work on one occasion. I seem to get the problem intermittently and last night no amount of refreshing would solve it. Well it seems good today so I should make hay while the sun shines! Thanks again.