Canned food

Lorry drivers,like boy scouts,are always prepared.When the restaurants are all closed what’s your favorite canned nosh…or least favorite.

I love corned beef… I hate mushy peas.

I love mushy peas!! I just haven’t found any over here yet. :frowning:
I carry a crock pot. In it I usually put a can of corned beef, (I love it, too), a can of beans, sliced potatoes, dried onions and vegetables and good old Bisto. Then I add garlic and peppers and let it rip. After 2 or 3 hours it smells so damned good I have to stop and eat some, then I keep the rest and nuke it for a day or so. then I do something different the next day. Maybe Vienna sausage of canned ham.
Only poisoned myself once. :blush:

Barnicots cornish pasties

Which Barnecutt though? Malcolm or Keith? At least you didn’t say G******s! There is, or was at least, a baker in Trelowarren street, Camborne, who makes the best shop Pasty I ever tasted. Trouble is, I really can’t justify the fuel or time to go and get one!!

I like Barnacutts ( Michael I think, the one in my native Lanson ( Launceston for you English, Scots and welsh ) ) but they do a nice pasty at the shop in Minions that is baked somewhere in Liskeard ( don’t know where ) and it has shortcrust pastry as opposed to Barnacutts flakey pastry.

Mouth is now watreing profusely and I’m suddenly homesick. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

In earlier days in the UK I never left home without a couple of tins of Heinz Big Soups. They were really stews and very good after a little warming through. Since living here my emergency stocks simply consisted of a continuously updated baguette, lump of cheese, and a bottle of Bordeaux. Never needed to cook in the cab in France, unless you count the coffee machine of course :wink: :laughing:

I’ve got a taste for these ‘Full Monty’ and ‘Full Breakfasts’ in a can. Very enjoyable, the full brekkie one even has black pudding in it. Brill :slight_smile:

Willy Gofar:
I like Barnacutts ( Michael I think, the one in my native Lanson ( Launceston for you English, Scots and welsh ) ) but they do a nice pasty at the shop in Minions that is baked somewhere in Liskeard ( don’t know where ) and it has shortcrust pastry as opposed to Barnacutts flakey pastry.

Mouth is now watreing profusely and I’m suddenly homesick. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

have to make some for yourself. Better than shop bought any day. Lanson had both Barnecutts in town. Malcolm was down off the square opposite the old somerfields. Camelford boy myself. Lived in Lanson for 4 years. Not the best time of my life.

I used to have a decent supply of Hotcans (various recepies) from ‘a previous life’ :wink: which were excellent as an emergency back-up.

Apart from that i’m ‘not too hot in the kitchen’ so something complete & simple; like tinned ravioli - dislike anything with liver/kidney which you don’t usually get in a can :confused:

:slight_smile: Sausage Casserole or Irish Stew in a can are both quite good, but you need to avoid the cheaper or ‘own label’ ones if there is a choice to be made on the supermarket shelf. You are best paying 20p more to avoid the watery gravy in the casserole or meat gristle in the stew.

Eaten with nice big chunks of fresh bread. :wink:

stagg chilli :smiley:

tastey :wink:

Asda’s own Stewed Steak in a tin :slight_smile: .