Cancel Culture has arrived @TruckNet UK

Threads removed…Why?

Because of complaints/hurt feelings/political correctness?

At least put up a bit of resistance moderators, we’re not going to get sent to the salt mines of Siberia for freedom of speech on an internet forum about lorry driving.

Good grief!

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Think its due to the amount of crap which is put on here by the same bunch of knob heads.

should get Dennis back on the job ( miss his pm,s ) he doesn’t take any ■■■■ , just consigns anything a bit untoward to the random crap bin , 99% in my case apparently , I don’t take it personally, he’s probably right

elsa Lad:
Think its due to the amount of crap which is put on here by the same bunch of knob heads.

This ^. 20 threads of random crap from scania245 and then another 20 threads of the same “driver shortage - hours extension” because drivers think they’re special and deserve a thread of their own instead of using the existing thread which already has 10 pages of discussion about it.

Personally I say colin has done a grand job of sorting it all out, merging the threads and deleting scania245s crap.