Canada for the people who have gone and come back

The joke of it is he hasn’t got anywhere here so he is copying and pasting from TW. He isn’t getting anywhere there, either, although he seems to think that he is anonymous there (same username, sig, etc)

Yes, people will make up their own minds. Most will settle in well and be glad they moved. Some will find it too much.

Some will simply never have the nerve to try it and that is just as well. Face facts, those are the ones who ■■■■■ the loudest without trying it. Just imagine if they did.

Anyway, I think I will leave the site for now simply because it isn’t worth paying for internet simply to see that sort of nonsense. I can sit in this nice, decent truckstop in Maryland and look up more interesting things to do with my 4 days off that I will have next weekend, owing to the fact that I have done 2 weeks away. I will have covered about 7500 miles in that 2 weeks. I even got to drive down I95 through New York City today. Nice to see.

I guess the detractors will have had a chance to see the quarry again today, or maybe they picked up a nice box and got 3 hours on the docks.

I do not understand another web site you say :open_mouth: WRONG again bobby boy

You plan your 4 days off MATE ,but be quick winter will be here soon :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: , then your earning nothing, and going nowhere :wink: :wink: :wink: :grimacing:

Really? I’m wrong? So where is Can pilot then? TW, that’s where. What about all the posts about the Expats forums then?

Wrong, am I? :unamused:

Really? I’m wrong? So where is Can pilot then? TW, that’s where. What about all the posts about the Expats forums then?

Wrong, am I? :unamused:

So you admit that there other web sites with UK drivers on them that have gone to Canada to follow the promised dream , and have had the wool pulled over there eyes by Canadian Company’s, and sweet talking people like you.
Good man Bob its about time you told the real truth.Just like Can Pilot, at least he has got the guts to admit , he has failed, not like you on the other hand who just keep on feeding people how fantastic Canada is, when in reality it is a load of rubbish.

Must be somebody with the same views as myself and many others, on this web site you are going on about

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: