Canada for the people who have gone and come back

I’m not really sure what point Steve is trying to prove here. People just need to do their research and either grasp the nettle and go for it or just stick to trucking in the UK and not get on the backs of those willing to take the gamble.
We’re going next year, have done 2 years research and already have relatives there who love it.
I’m looking forward to DRIVING on Highway1 than being gridlocked on the M6 for the next 25 years.
See ya there.

I have returned

The point I am trying to make nwtrucker ( Please read this ) is as follows. :laughing:

May 20th 2007, 1:04 pm #144
shelly1 Female
Senior Member

Joined: Jan 2006
Location: West Yorkshire (lovin it back home )
Posts: 215

If you think that Westcan are looking out for you
you re sadly mis-informed, things went wrong for us because my husband decided he wasn’t taking no more ■■■■, no more lies, he was told at his interview he’d be earning so much per year, he would have literally had to work 24/7 to earn what they’d promised, and others agreed

why go to another country to just survive,

You move to another country to have the life you dream about here?

He stood up to them one day after he done a 22 hour training shift the day before, and told them a few home truths which of cause they didn’t like and now were back in the uk, they thought because we’d up rooted our lives and moved half way around the world we wouldn’t dare go home.

No way, life’s not about living to work, you work to live and live the best life you can,
you make a choice like that so you can live a better life, not just to move the life you have somewhere else.

I’m not a stupid wife or mum that got up one day and thought i know we’ll move half way around the world to Canada, we where sold a lie.

Don’t let them fool you, it’s a business and businesses are there to make money, there not there to watch your back.

We where also told that its a family orientated company, yeah sure what about the families they’ve ruined, asked about them, asked them how many have returned home any why?
when we went out we where told 2 families had returned.

Ask them How many families are still together and how many have split up because of what they went through.

I also thought that living most of my married life as an infantry wife would stand me in good stead

What a load of tosh

I was sick to death of other wives telling me where my husband was going and what he was doing
Very much like army life everybody knew your business before you did.

It might be the life some want but its not the life i went there for.

shelly :laughing:

Do you see there is foundation to my posts , I am not just stirring it up :laughing: , these people have been and come back :open_mouth: , and theres lots more where that came from. I am going back to sleep , bye for now. :laughing:

Fair enough, but you put far more credence to their view than you do to mine. I can’t help what you think and I won’t try.

Firstly, refer to my East/West Divide thread.

Second, I have never said it would suit everyone. It obviously won’t.

Third, I still don’t know where this idea that it is all work comes from. I left on Saturday and went out to Montreal. I tipped there Monday then reloaded Monday evening and headed back. I bought the new Potter book on the way and managed to finish it before I got home on Weds night. That is over 3000 miles so I got my week in quite nicely without killing myself.

I can’t speak for others, I can only say how it is for me. I still think it was the best thing I ever did. I simply cannot be bothered to say anything to those who do come back because they were the ones who didn’t like it. It would be a waste of time and effort.

Fair enough, but you put far more credence to their view than you do to mine. I can’t help what you think and I won’t try.

Firstly, refer to my East/West Divide thread.

Second, I have never said it would suit everyone. It obviously won’t.

Third, I still don’t know where this idea that it is all work comes from. I left on Saturday and went out to Montreal. I tipped there Monday then reloaded Monday evening and headed back. I bought the new Potter book on the way and managed to finish it before I got home on Weds night. That is over 3000 miles so I got my week in quite nicely without killing myself.

I can’t speak for others, I can only say how it is for me. I still think it was the best thing I ever did. I simply cannot be bothered to say anything to those who do come back because they were the ones who didn’t like it. It would be a waste of time and effort.

OK bobthe dog it dose not suit everyone, but there must be some truth to what they are saying , believe me when I say , i am glad it is working out for you and your family.
I am just trying to open some eyes. :laughing:


Wages as a truck driver in Canada is different from the UK. Where in the UK you are paid hourly and a night out allowance, in Canada you are paid by the mile, per drop, per pick up, waiting time and layover money.
Also they run a log book and not a tachograph system, the hours of service are different as well and you have two systems a Canadian cycle and a USA cycle.
There have been many questions asked about how you get paid
and other areas, so I have created a FAQ page to answer some of your questions

Q. How is a truck driver paid?
A. A driver is paid by the mile, per drop & pick up, waiting time,
Customs clearance and layover time.

Q. What is a layover?
A. A layover is paid when you are instructed by your dispatcher to
wait for a period of time that is in excess of normal waiting time.

Q. When is waiting time paid?
A. Waiting time is paid after 2 hours as long as you have informed
your dispatcher, this is paid at the company hourly rate.

Q. How is holiday pay paid and how much?
A. Holiday pay is paid at 4% of your earnings some companies
Pay this on each pay, some accumulate it until you ask for it.

Q. How are bank holidays paid?
A. Bank holidays are paid as 10 hrs as per the company rate, if
you are on the road you will be paid this as well as the miles
and rest of work you done that day.

Q. How long can I expect to be away from home?
A. This will vary from company to company and the individual.

Q. Am I able to take my wife or child with me?
A. Most companies have a rider program, you will have to fill out
an insurance waiver form.

Q. How and when are my wages paid?
A. Wages are direct deposited into your account and are paid by
most companies every 2 weeks.

I hope I have answered most of the frequently asked questions. Posted here and there.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I do try, Do I not

I moved to the States in 1985. At some point around 1995 I seriously considered moving back to England. It wasn’t a money or work thing, I just felt I was misssing too much family stuff. In the end a two week trip “home” was enoughof a reminder of why I left . Getting off the plane at Kennedy after that trip was the first time I really felt like I was coming home.

So it took me 10 years to feel totally at ease.Thats not to say I was unhappy , just disconnected.

I was on my own and young (23) with no family around. I think if I had beenmore experienced with life it would have been easier.

As for being a truck driver my job is 5 days a week around 60 hours. I’m an OD these days. My last company driver job local was doing cement and fuel products. It paid $82,000 but I was working 70 hour EVERY week.In the end it was too much.Most of the work was in the endless traffic of NYC.

This isn’t Canada but as far as trucking goes it’s the same. Plenty of pond scum taking advantage where they can. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: including my old boss who is now in jail. :smiley: Tread carefully !

I moved to the States in 1985. At some point around 1995 I seriously considered moving back to England. It wasn’t a money or work thing, I just felt I was misssing too much family stuff.

This was exactly my experience in Australia, Longway, though in an earlier era.
I came back on holiday intending to spread the word and persuade family and friends to return with me, this was the time when any Brits could get into Australia without restriction.
Fate took a hand and before I returned I dropped down the slippery slope towards marriage :unamused: and couldn’t afford the fare back for a new family. For various reasons I didn’t qualify for the £10 scheme either. :smiling_imp:
I have always regretted leaving, until I came here of course and found peace and contentment. :unamused: :laughing:
Don’t you just love a happy ending. :wink:

bobthedog Can’t you see its a wind-up,mate? Anyone who uses upper case bold to get their views across has got to be desperate. My radar immediately goes into snooze when I see Kidz Own prose. :laughing:
PS .THIS NOT MEANT TO BE PERSONAL ,I HAPPEN TO THINK THAT steveo1 IS A VERY NICE MAN/WOMAN. ( Sorry,that should have read ‘man stroke woman.’[/b]

OH LOOK Here is another unhappy bunny :laughing:, There is so many ,
and how did you now I was a cross dresser (CHEEKY) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Registered User
Joined: 02 Apr 2007
Posts: 5

New post posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 17:00 pm Post subject: canada Reply with quote
anybody thinking of going to live and work in Canada,its a load of crap,
h&r are recruiting in the uk now,my advice to anybody is do not waste your time even going for an interview,in the last 2 months at least 30 European drivers have walked from this bunch of idiots,so BEWARE its not worth it,you will not earn enough money to pay for the food never mind a mortgage etc,thats after you have worked all the hours god sends you. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Am I wright or am I wright :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Don’t shout & there’s no ‘W’ in right unless its your name .But only you know that or maybe not as the case may be?

Don’t shout & there’s no ‘W’ in right unless its your name .But only you know that or maybe not as the case may be?

WWWWWWHO CARES :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Any one for a dunut :open_mouth:

I tell you what. I will try to get a few happy bunnies on here then. Most don’t bother because they aren’t that interested in getting into squabbles.

I will say this, though. These firms have been going for decades. The one I work for has been around for 59 years. If they are so bad then how are they still there? How can a firm which, it has to be said, you know nothing about be so bad if they have survived so many years?

So far you have quoted 2 who are unhappy and said there are so many more. Fine, but what about those that are happy? You say they are wrong and the others are right when you really have no idea.

" Doh!!! Its ■■■■■,Homer! ":lol:

" Doh!!! Its ■■■■■,Homer! ":lol:

God you are so easy :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Ha HA HA

I tell you what. I will try to get a few happy bunnies on here then. Most don’t bother because they aren’t that interested in getting into squabbles.

I will say this, though. These firms have been going for decades. The one I work for has been around for 59 years. If they are so bad then how are they still there? How can a firm which, it has to be said, you know nothing about be so bad if they have survived so many years?

So far you have quoted 2 who are unhappy and said there are so many more. Fine, but what about those that are happy? You say they are wrong and the others are right when you really have no idea.

As I have said before Bob, I am very happy for you , and your family , and all those that have made it work :laughing:
I would like to hear from those that have not been so lucky. why :question: the reason :question: where they went wrong :question: what they could have done, to have given themselves a better chance :question: .

59yrs you say, Making drivers fall of there perches, could be one reason :smiley:

That makes a lot of sense… somewhere in a parallel universe.

How do you mean, falling off their perches?

The company has been in existance for 59 years, sending trucks all over North America for over half a century. They must, surely, be doing something right?

You are determined to knock firms, drivers and Canada and I really am intrigued as to why this should be. It obviously wouldn’t suit you. You make that painfully clear and that is fine. It doesn’t matter to me or anyone else that you wouldn’t want to come out here.

Why, then, does it matter to you if others do? why do you care?

That makes a lot of sense… somewhere in a parallel universe.

How do you mean, falling off their perches?

The company has been in existance for 59 years, sending trucks all over North America for over half a century. They must, surely, be doing something right?

You are determined to knock firms, drivers and Canada and I really am intrigued as to why this should be. It obviously wouldn’t suit you. You make that painfully clear and that is fine. It doesn’t matter to me or anyone else that you wouldn’t want to come out here.

Why, then, does it matter to you if others do? why do you care?

Bob will you please stop wittering on about how good YOU find Canada, and how fantastic Big Freight are, We want to here about the people WHO came back , and there story’s.

Yippee you have made YOUR point, Let some others have a say. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Thanks ever so much :open_mouth:

Steve, at risk of putting the cat amongst the pigeons here, if you want people who are back in the UK due to bad experiences to talk to you, surely they are unlikely to be found in the Ex Pats Forum in any number…The last thing they would want to be doing is looking back on the bad times in here, surely?

Steve, at risk of putting the cat amongst the pigeons here, if you want people who are back in the UK due to bad experiences to talk to you, surely they are unlikely to be found in the Ex Pats Forum in any number…The last thing they would want to be doing is looking back on the bad times in here, surely?

Hi Lucy,
It is all a matter of opinion is it not , freedom to ask, and be asked, if not here then where would you suggest :question: .
Have a nice day :laughing:

It is indeed, mate. Personally, having failed to get any bites after several long attempts in here, I’d consider posting the question in the Pro Drivers’ Forum. If you still don’t get any replies, maybe that’s the point at which to give up. But that’s just me. :wink:


Steve, at risk of putting the cat amongst the pigeons here, if you want people who are back in the UK due to bad experiences to talk to you, surely they are unlikely to be found in the Ex Pats Forum in any number…The last thing they would want to be doing is looking back on the bad times in here, surely?

Hi Lucy,
It is all a matter of opinion is it not , freedom to ask, and be asked, if not here then where would you suggest :question: .
Have a nice day :laughing:

Sorry Lucy , I thought I was on the correct Forum, according to this I am :laughing:

Forum for discussion amongst those who have left these shores for sunnier climes, also for all members to discuss living and working overseas.(A Specific forum for those interested in emigrating to Canada is available on TruckNet Canada…Click Here)

Maybe Admin could do with a reshuffle :wink:

Registered User

Here is another post from can pilot, it makes good reading.

I am glad to see some people are coming out there shells, and spilling the beans (HOORAY FOR CAN PILOT)

Joined: 02 Apr 2007
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 15:44 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
yes i have been and i am still there,i am seriously thinking of returning to the uk.

i did not have time to give more info,i am not a typist.

here are a few facts that might help.

so far this year from January the 1st up to the 1st week of july i have taken home average $830.00 per week,i had 3 weeks off in feb,plus i have worked my nuts off.

my average mileage for the last 5 months is about 12500 per month.
the tax was said to be 28% at the interview,but its running about 40%,
i cannot find my pay slips at the moment as i just came back from holiday and my truck is else where,when i find them i will post whats on them.

why in the last 6 weeks have about 35 European drivers walked from h&r,
canex are snapping them up by the ton.