Personally I think Manitoba is the place to be, it’s located so that you can get almost anywhere in Canada or the USA & back within your 70hrs. It’s location, smack bang in the middle of Canada means it’s kind of a hub & therefore also has a high concentration of trucking companies, this means that there is competition for drivers, which means they look after you a bit better, there is also more variety in the destinations that these firms cover, most companies concentrate on one particular area, e.g. mine covers the East Coast of the USA from Boston to Miami & over as far as Texas, our Canadian work is all to Alberta or BC, others do the Western USA States or the Mid West/Prairies/Eastern Canada & some go anywhere & everywhere. Wire, another ex BFS man, goes mainly to Southern Texas & California, Bob the Dog & dave-lol66 go anywhere, you could even do day work or short haul where you’re only out for 2 or 3 days, there is something to keep everyone happy here.
Manitoba also has lower housing & related costs than Alberta/BC/Ontario. You have a choice of living in the city (Winnipeg) as I do, or living in one of the smaller towns with a population of 20000 or so, or living out in the bush, everyone has their preference & there is something to suit every taste.
You hear lot’s of people saying how good it is in Alberta/BC, but I don’t see it myself, sure BC is beautiful & parts of Alberta are too, but if you have a run to, say, North Carolina then you will need to have a 36hr break during the trip & if you’re paying an absolute fortune for your house the last place you want to be spending your day off is in a truckstop somewhere a 1000miles away, there are also not as many companies there so your choice is more limited, the wages are, in some cases, higher, but the extra is more than swallowed up in the higher cost of living.
I only have experience at BFS, as I said I think it’s a crap job, but they will get you over here, train you, assist you with your immigration etc etc. They also pay a reasonable wage, my problem there wasn’t about money, I just didn’t like it after the novelty of it all wore off, the US had started to suffer with the recession so most of my trips were what I called the Alberta trunk & it wasn’t what I signed up for, at the interview I was promised trips all over Canada & the USA, at the time of the interview those promises were probably accurate but because of circumstances they never happened. To me the destinations were as important as the money so I left, things are a little different there now, they’re still a strange bunch though (the management) & in my opinion it will never be a good job, no matter where they send you, but it will get you the experience you need & it will pay the bills in the meantime, I therefore wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them as a stepping stone, just don’t mention my name, or Bob the Dog’s, or dave-lol66
I think any of us who post on here would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have, the others may have a slightly different perspective too, which is always useful, although none of them will tell you that BFS is a good job