Can we have...

Any chance of a dedicated forum for people who clean their trucks? Just one additional rule, no posts along the lines of “you’re sad” and “why do you put tat on a bosses truck”. Every time someone asks a question about truckfest, or what tfr to use, there’s a core of posters who border on trolling, no doubt some will appear here. Just a quick look on Facebook or a trip to truckfest will show that a lot of people take pride in their truck. Just an idea :bulb:

How would you decide who could post on this forum? The “trolls” would just post their views in exactly the same way as they do on any other thread/post, so it wouldn’t achieve anything, except it would make it easier for them to find posts to express their “you’re sad” views.

The mods could pull them down. I know it would still happen, but it’s easier to police on a specific forum than the pdf

Any chance of a dedicated forum for people who clean their trucks? Just one additional rule, no posts along the lines of “you’re sad” and “why do you put tat on a bosses truck”. Every time someone asks a question about truckfest, or what tfr to use, there’s a core of posters who border on trolling, no doubt some will appear here. Just a quick look on Facebook or a trip to truckfest will show that a lot of people take pride in their truck. Just an idea :bulb:

I know its easier said than done, but its definatley better to just ignore them and not respond whatsoever.

I know mike, but it’s the same people time and time again. You’d think they’d steer clear of a thread that’s got an obvious title. But they always feel the need to start with “I’ll never understand why…”

Block them Jay, that way you never see their posts.

Block them Jay, that way you never see their posts.

yeah but some of their posts can be entertaining cant they
DOZY :grimacing:

I hear you Nick.


Ha ha like the last couple of posts. Don’t really want to block anyone, not my style. A few people just ■■■■ me off when they can’t accept a different view to theirs. On the subject in question, personally I don’t think there’s a right or a wrong way. One man’s meat is another’s poison. Getting on for 3k trucks at Peterborough this weekend, so can’t all be wrong

I’m with you all the way on that, I would suggest using the photo forum, there doesn’t seem to be as many trolls on there :wink:

Any chance of a dedicated forum for people who clean their trucks? Just one additional rule, no posts along the lines of “you’re sad” and “why do you put tat on a bosses truck”. Every time someone asks a question about truckfest, or what tfr to use, there’s a core of posters who border on trolling, no doubt some will appear here. Just a quick look on Facebook or a trip to truckfest will show that a lot of people take pride in their truck. Just an idea :bulb:

Just seen this now, (and after ■■■■■■■ myself laughing) I realised that it more than likely refers to the slight, good natured (or so I thought :unamused: ) ruck you had with me on the subject, on the ‘‘The pays crap but it’s good kit’’ thread, round about the same date as you posted this.
So everybody that has an opposing opinion to you is a troll eh? :unamused: ffs.
I was under the impression that was the purpose of a forum ie. to give or read an opinion, make a statement, and put it up for discussion with those in both agreeance or disagreeance. :bulb: …what the hell was I thinking. :open_mouth:

Anyway if you want to put a block on me mate feel free, I couldn’t give a flying one to be honest.
But for good measure I promise to try and ignore any posts from you that I happen to disagree with, seeing as you appear to get upset so easy :unamused:

I wouldn’t want to be accused of being a troll again now would I? I’d be totally devastated. (not really, as I tend to take opposing opinions in the right spirit, and certainly would not make a ■■■ of myself by reporting it on the Feedback Forum, but hey…everybody’s different :wink: )
Anyway on the plus side you were right,… I DID appear on here. :wink:

A few people just ■■■■ me off when they can’t accept a different view to theirs.

:open_mouth: Ohhhh!.. The irony ! :unamused:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


A few people just ■■■■ me off when they can’t accept a different view to theirs.

:open_mouth: Ohhhh!.. The irony ! :unamused:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: Best have a thread/forum where anyone who cries about dirty vehicles are barred from posting then. Also if 3000 trucks went to Truckfest (fair enough) but how many thousand trucks and their drivers didn’t?


A few people just ■■■■ me off when they can’t accept a different view to theirs.

:open_mouth: Ohhhh!.. The irony ! :unamused:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thats exactly what I thought when I read it! :laughing:


A few people just ■■■■ me off when they can’t accept a different view to theirs.

:open_mouth: Ohhhh!.. The irony ! :unamused:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Exhibit A: Ovlov Jay’s carry-on when pulled up about his ‘all coach drivers are dicks’ post a few days ago.

This forum is comedy gold sometimes.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No irony if you read every post I write, rather than dig up the ones that suit your argument. I never have, nor never would say someone was a troll for disagreeing with me, but, as stated higher up this thread, a certain few people, including but not exclusively you robroy, click on a thread with an obvious title and copy and paste a defamatory post. That’s border line trolling. As for the coach driver thread, I take the safety of my kids a little bit more seriously than an Internet forum. I never once said all coach drivers were dangerous, feel free to post the quote if I did, so no irony there either

No irony if you read every post I write, rather than dig up the ones that suit your argument. I never have, nor never would say someone was a troll for disagreeing with me, but, as stated higher up this thread, a certain few people, including but not exclusively you robroy, click on a thread with an obvious title and copy and paste a defamatory post. That’s border line trolling.

Firstly mate I can neither be arsed nor interested to read ‘every post you write’ :unamused: so let’s just deal with the last few.
This is about me and others discussing and disagreeing with you about buying kit for your boss’s motor and polishing tanks…(or whatever and the like), which prompted you to start a thread on fb forum complaining about the reaction of those that disagree.
You state that if I and others disagree with something you and others say and have said on the subjects, that I/we, write (in YOUR opinion) a ‘defamatory post’ (which again… in your opinion) is ‘borderline trolling’
Then you say you ‘never have nor would say that someone was a troll for disagreeing with you’. There seems to be a bit of contradiction there would you not say.

As I have said before mate, in real life I couldn’t give a rat’s ■■■ whether you spend your last penny on your firm’s kit, or polish it to your ■■■■■■ arms drop off, …it’s nothing to do with me!!
BUT if that subject or any other is put up for discussion on a… public FORUM :bulb: :bulb: ,then I am entitled to give my opinion, whether you or not start asking mods for certain phrases to be disallowed :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: …because YOU happen to disagree and interpret it as trolling.

BTW I notice that you have changed your signature phrase at the bottom of your page, which in my opinion was the REAL reason for you being ■■■■■■ in the first place when I ridiculed it and used it against you eh? :bulb:

You really need to read comments and think before replying. No contradiction here. I have no problem with someone disagreeing, as anyone that moans about someone disagreeing with them, is a hypocrite by definition of such a post. The problem I have is when someones opening gambit is a slag off post. I don’t understand why some blokes like wearing womens clothes, but if I saw a thread entitled “caught in the wife’s underwear” I wouldn’t feel the need to go and tell them. I merely suggested we have a separate forum so us “sad” drivers don’t have to clutter your screens. And as for the signature, your comments bounced off broad shoulders

You know what mate?..You win… I gladly admit defeat, your logic just totally baffles me, you say something deny it then go on to repeat it, and then make a point which totally disagrees with your original point, until you end up tying both of us in knots.
If it’s a tactic… it’s a clever one, but I am thinking that it is more of a face saving exercise on your part to redeem some creedence, after realising you have maybe made a bit of a fool of yourself.
So thanks for the advice about reading comments before replying :neutral_face: , I will endeavour to take it on board, …but to be honest the time it takes to virtually analyse yours to comprehend your logic after all the back pedaling, frankly aint worth the bother.

Maybe you ought to ask yourself if a internet forum is for you, being as that your last post clearly shows that you have not grasped the concept of such. :bulb:

So you admit not reading all my comments, but claim I’ve said something, denied it, then said it again :open_mouth: I’ve read all my comments, and yours, here and on the other thread and can’t see any evidence of that tbh.