Can we have a...

hello there mods admins etc

i would like to request a dirary thread soon as there are alot of members on this forum and it would be put to good use, becaus eof the amount of members i think such a thread will succeed and it will be very interesting.

so please can we have a Diary thread■■?



Personaly I am in favour, however the software behind these forums will not last forever and we are in the process of sorting out new software. This new software will have all the posts etc from here on it, and will also have the facility to host personal blogs which may be a better way of showing off the diaries…

In the mean time if enough people decide they want a dedicated diary forum then we could set one up… let us know folks

yes please. it’s interesting hearing about different aspects of basically the same job.
well done smurfworth :wink:

i enjoy reading the diary threads.

I,m stuck in 50 mile radius multi-drop land. :frowning:
and enjoy reading about more interesting jobs.

Gives me hope :laughing:

thanks for the info rick its just that i enjoy seeing what others get up to when there at work :smiley: