Can the CSI brigade help?

Ok not relevant to the job and I know I must have to much time on my hands but don’t we all stuck on the road alone = plenty of thinking time

So her goes

Who picks the ■■■ up for guide dogs?

Do lesbian squirrels still eat nuts??

Hope the CSI brigade a can help

Not a true CSI response, just something I learned whilst working.

The guide dog usually urinates in a gutter in an emergency and goes for zb in planters/bushes, for example if the are taken ill en-route. Seen that around Westminster area quite a lot especially around Channel 4 building, used to watch a couple of them being “exercised” every day whilst I was working there for a week, in a particular planter!!! Loved to know who weeded that planter! :laughing: :laughing:

However usually trained to got to the toilet before they get on a train/go to a meeting etc. Or the proper way they are taught to go to the toilet on schedule in their normal surroundings at set times of the day without fail, but like us they can hold it in, if necessary.

Also assistance dogs can be trained to go to the toilet in a plastic with a command by the handler…supposedly?! Not sure how true that is!

Information from when I was working at the RNIB Headquarters in London. One of our loud mouthed stupid dumb ■■■ senior measuring bods asked this in their training office, whilst insulting most of the blind people there too at every given opportunity!

So i take it the answer was sincere as it shut him up straight away unusally. As he thought he was being funny and they offered to take him out on a training session. Heard it with my own ears while measuring up a cupboard and laughed to myself, he could barely look after himself let alone a highly trained animal.

Reading that second paragraph again that sounds just like a layby or downmarket lorry park that you all describe on here quite often :blush:


Guide dog owners mostly use the command GET BUSY that tells the dog to ZB in a set place.

Guide dog owners mostly use the command GET BUSY that tells the dog to ZB in a set place.


My ex wife is a GD owner.

Ok not relevant to the job and I know I must have to much time on my hands but don’t we all stuck on the road alone = plenty of thinking time

So her goes

Who picks the ■■■ up for guide dogs?

Do lesbian squirrels still eat nuts??

Hope the CSI brigade a can help

Answers. My left boot when not looking

Yep, but only in a yorkie

Keep trucking Pal, You need to stay away from home !

But it made me laugh.

Hahahahaha :laughing:

Your left boot classic!


Wow Constantine I thought I had to much time on my hands but you really went into depth there lol

Liking the my left boot lol

Sorry fellas I know it was a pointless post but beats the constant moaning/arguing ect lately

Wow Constantine I thought I had to much time on my hands but you really went into depth there lol

Liking the my left boot lol

Sorry fellas I know it was a pointless post but beats the constant moaning/arguing ect lately

Always have time for TruckNet bud, always working on the computer so have it on at some point of the week. :laughing: :unamused:

Like I said all based on experience of working in the building that provided the information.

Also now the CSI brigade have walked out on us! We’re all like neglected children, whilst they are away, until they come back! :cry:

Hahahahaha should be my left foot! :laughing:


Trucknet Csi are currently filming the next series with the actor who plsyed the copper who tried to shave Sly Stallones throst in the cells in the film First Blood.