Can someone help me find my husband

he left because of stress of our son and I found out he is working for S and k haulage in barry I really need help in contacting him going out of my mind, have written a letter to him, but he has not said its over or nothing
does he need his space if anyone knows any of these drivers could appreciate the help in finding him please help

Have you tried ringing s&k and speaking to him or getting a chat with a manager or something? Maybe they could have a word with him, just to let you know he’s ok?

Might be worth a shot…

hi lee

have called them will not give me the mobile number in the truck, im cracking up after 22 years,I know his in germany
cannot remember the driving regs over there and he is due bck in the yard tuesday, have written the letter but now I know where he is will he run any advice will be appreciated

I think the way forward is another letter forwarded through S&K, if he wants to read it he will, maybe he is just putting everything behind him until he can sort his own thinking out, lorry driving is solitary and is probably the best place to do that. It worked for me. I lived in a lorry for 18 months without contacting anyone.

If I sound harsh, I don’t mean it to be but stress and family life is not easy to mix

has he got a nick name only he would recognise, does he put a name plate in the windscreen,we cant just say to their drivers are you the wandering husband of stones, or pehaps we could, driving is a very good way to think things through but its those at home who suffer most i think.

HI, people have different ways of dealing with stress, maybe he needed the solitude to de-stress, & perhaps being in another country may help too, being as its different scenery etc, thus taking him away from the ‘immediate stress’ factor, which may help him think clearer or whatever. He may wish to contact you ‘when he’s ready’ .
If he’s in Germany & due back in the yard Tuesday , then at least you know he alright, sorry, it’s small comfort I know, ‘they say time is a good healer’.

hotel magnum:
has he got a nick name only he would recognise, does he put a name plate in the windscreen,we cant just say to their drivers are you the wandering husband of stones, or pehaps we could, driving is a very good way to think things through but its those at home who suffer most i think.

Thanks hotel magnum he is working for s and k barry I need to find a driver that works there to track him,
we have been together 22 years, and he has been off a year with a knee replacement, he is known as nick he is a new driver apparently been there a week, I just need to talk to him that is all, when he has been abroad before he has always had his phone but now he only has the company phone, I dont want to say too much to the company
because of his job, I could pm a photo if anyone can help beginning to crack

hi lee

have called them will not give me the mobile number in the truck, im cracking up after 22 years,I know his in germany
cannot remember the driving regs over there and he is due bck in the yard tuesday, have written the letter but now I know where he is will he run any advice will be appreciated

S&K will not give out their truck phone numbers to anyone who phones them up asking for a number. No company would.
You can protest that you’re his wife all you like, but how can they be sure? You’re just a voice on the other end of a telephone saying so.
The only thing you can do is to request they ask him to call you as soon as possible. You’ll have to speak to the company, they are your only viable option.
He will only get a letter from you when he gets back to Barry, or with the documents sent out with a change-over trailer.
S&K drivers are usually away for 3 weeks I think, so if he’s only been there a week and due in on Tuesday, it’ll be for a changeover and straight back out.

Driving regs are the same all over Europe, that he’s working Germany makes no difference to when he’ll be back in Barry.

Now I know where he is, will he run ?

It depends entirely on him, we couldn’t possibly know.
If he’s only ‘got away for some breathing space’, to think things over or de-stress or something along those lines, then I wouldn’t think he’d run. He might ask to be turned around and sent straight back out for another trip. If I’m right and S&K do work on 3 weeks away, he may not even have a choice.

i would be in the car and down to s&k, if he is back in on tues you will be there to catch him.

s&k will not want a driver out in their vehicle maybe suffering from mental health issues. i should imagine they would have a good chat to him to make sure he is ok to carry on.

jessicas dad:
i would be in the car and down to s&k, if he is back in on tues you will be there to catch him.

s&k will not want a driver out in their vehicle maybe suffering from mental health issues. i should imagine they would have a good chat to him to make sure he is ok to carry on.

Who knows if he has mental health issues, the OP may have those and he is trying to get away from them. I spent 30 years on my own, it is other people I cannot stand :wink:

I would probably be very upset if a company I worked for gave my whereabouts or details to a stranger or even a family member unless it was a life or death situation.

Wheel Nut:

jessicas dad:
i would be in the car and down to s&k, if he is back in on tues you will be there to catch him.

s&k will not want a driver out in their vehicle maybe suffering from mental health issues. i should imagine they would have a good chat to him to make sure he is ok to carry on.

Who knows if he has mental health issues, the OP may have those and he is trying to get away from them. I spent 30 years on my own, it is other people I cannot stand :wink:

I would probably be very upset if a company I worked for gave my whereabouts or details to a stranger or even a family member unless it was a life or death situation.

I don’t really Know, I would have thought after being off for a year sick it’s a bit extreme to completely do one unless you was a distrubed.
The original poster claims to be his wife of 22 years and seems frantic, she will know him better than anyone, so if she is worried then I am.

She is claiming to be his wife. But that does not make it true.

Who says its not someone he owes a lot of money to that is trying to track him down.

We know nothing about the situation and should not jump to any conclusions.

Agree with Dar, my mother used to go tracking down her latest conquests at their workplace, usually on a friday, payday.

Not saying this is the case but peeps need to be wary.

We know nothing about the situation and should not jump to any conclusions.

+1 well said

Just to say thanks to everyone and I will not be posting on this forum anymore