Can i work 16 hours a day?

:laughing: just couldn’t resist getting peoples backs up before :laughing: :smiling_imp:

Nice Climb Down Phil, obviously you were not prepared to put your money where your mouth is :wink: :wink:

It didnt get my back up. I quite enjoyed it and even learnt something about horses :smiley:

Wheel Nut:
It didnt get my back up. I quite enjoyed it and even learnt something about horses :smiley:

well. you what i meant. :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

I think we all learned something about horses.

They don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to the EU regulations :unamused: :wink:


But: I coming to the work at 8 o’clock for example. They will tell me, that load is not ready and to wait. As it’s not known in advance I will put rest on the tacho and I am off to bed in my cab. Then after 8 hours load is ready, so 20 minutes to load, 3 hours of driving, tipping off, 45’ break, 3 hours of driving, and then go home.

In theory I was worked about 16 hours, as my boss is paying me, when I am sleeping in my lorry and I wasn’t working. But in fact I was only driving 6 hours and I was loading and unloading 20 minutes each. and then 45’ driving break. So what then?

Can I then do 8 hours rest and start 8 next day?


But: I coming to the work at 8 o’clock for example. They will tell me, that load is not ready and to wait. As it’s not known in advance I will put rest on the tacho and I am off to bed in my cab. Then after 8 hours load is ready, so 20 minutes to load, 3 hours of driving, tipping off, 45’ break, 3 hours of driving, and then go home.

In theory I was worked about 16 hours, as my boss is paying me, when I am sleeping in my lorry and I wasn’t working. But in fact I was only driving 6 hours and I was loading and unloading 20 minutes each. and then 45’ driving break. So what then?

Can I then do 8 hours rest and start 8 next day?

You can only do a Maximum of 15 hrs and therefore broke the law despite having an 8 hrs rest period

Tell them to make it 7 hrs next time, or load and unload in 10 minutes then you will be okay. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Anything above 3 hrs continuous break can be counted as split shift, but the Daily rest period must still be 9 hrs minimum, but its not classed as a rest reduction because you had a total of 12 hrs rest minimum, so you can do that every day if you wanted to.

i was pulled last year.

It was last year the law changed possibly because you beat the system.
Unless you can give definate details of when you got away with doing 16 hour spread insisting its legal is wrong because it’s not you that get’s prosecuted.

But: I coming to the work at 8 o’clock for example. They will tell me, that load is not ready and to wait. As it’s not known in advance I will put rest on the tacho and I am off to bed in my cab. Then after 8 hours load is ready, so 20 minutes to load, 3 hours of driving, tipping off, 45’ break, 3 hours of driving, and then go home.

In theory I was worked about 16 hours, as my boss is paying me, when I am sleeping in my lorry and I wasn’t working. But in fact I was only driving 6 hours and I was loading and unloading 20 minutes each. and then 45’ driving break. So what then?

Can I then do 8 hours rest and start 8 next day?

  1. Assuming your numbers are accurate, that’s a total shift length of 15:05, which is illegal.
  2. Your minimum daily rest is 9 hours. There is no provision under the rules to reduce it to 8 hours any more. Full stop.

You started work at 8am, even if you only did a minute or two’s worth of work (i.e. asking “is my load ready?”).

Therefore, your daily/weekly rest finished at 8am. You must have a minimum of 9 hours of rest before the end of the 24-hour period, so you must finish your shift by 11pm, and you need 9 hours’ rest between your two shifts.

The only benefit you got from taking a long break (3 hours) during the morning, is that your 9-hour rest isn’t counted as a “reduced” rest when counting up under the “max 3 reduced daily rests between weekly rests” rule.