Can I pay pack 2 reduced rests in 1 go?

This what ive worked out so i can get my weekly rest in whille trying to juggle 2 driving jobs atm. This is my choice i enjoy what i do so i try to do as much as i can while keeping the card right.

Lets say im on a clean slate full rest period and all reduced rest periods paid back at this point

I work From 08.30 Monday to 16.30 Thursday.

Ill get a 24 hour rest & start my weekend run at 16.30 Friday & return home at 11.00 on Sunday.

Ill restart 08.30 Monday - 16.30 Thursday

This weekend ill get 52 hours rest this time before starting my weekend run at 20.30 on Saturday returning home on Sunday at 23.30.

Ill restart 08.30 Monday - 16.30 Thursday

Then Ill get a 24 hour rest & start my weekend run at 16.30 Friday & return home at 11.00 on Sunday.

And again ill wok from 08.30 - 16.30 Thursday

This weekend i wont work so ill get 88 hours rest before restarting at 08.30 on monday again so 45 hours rest + 42 hours owed paid back.

Edit: Just realised this isn’t going to work as its not paid back by 23.59 Sunday

Then repeat from the top again. So to simplify my resr periods will be as follows, so im paying back both reduced rests in the 88 hours by the the end of 3rd week following the week that the 1st reduction was taken.

Hopefully this makes sense took me a long time to word it in a way that makes sense to me :sweat_smile:


Just a suggestion, but instead of trying to put things into words, do yourself a favour and either use a spreadsheet or one of those maths exercise books schoolkids used to have, with small squares on them, then colour in rest and work periods differently. A picture paints a thousand words.

I CBA to wade through the description right now, but, generally, there’s no problem for compensating two separate reduced weekly rests with one very large rest, as long as they all fit within the “by the end of the third week” criteria

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I keep track of my working weeks on my phone 3 weeks at a time to make sure i get my reduced rests paid back in time. I realise it was a long winded way to go about asking, it took me about an hour to write that :joy:

The simpler way would have been

Week 1 = 24hr rest - 21 owed
Week 2 = 45hr + rest
Week 3 = 24hr rest - 21 owed
Week 4 ( 3rd week following the 1st reduction ), 45 + 21 + 21 = 87 hour rest completed before Sunday 23.59

Which would mean starting my rest at 08.59 On Thursday

Would this work?

Based on that, it looks fine.