Camera van - will I get done?


Driving from near Glasgow to Mallaig, on Monday 27th May in an 18 tonne rigid, (class 1 driver) doing 50 mph on A82 at Rannoch Moor when I clocked a camera van about half to three quarters of a mile away on a long straight stretch of road, natural instinct was to brake, got it down to under 40 mph.
Don’t know if I’ll get done or not, Unite the union will pay the £60 fine but I’ll get 3 points on a clean license.
Two Ferguson’s of Spean Bridge lorries had just passed me (coming from opposite direction) and didn’t warn me as to the camera van, not their fault if I was speeding I understand but don’t we all follow the same rule and look out for one another, I know I do.
The camera van was operated by Northern Speed Camera Partnership, NSCP not the Police. It states on their website that they will say where they shall be located during each week however this site was not one of them, angry with myself as was proud of clean license.

i was driving a sprinter van about 3 weeks ago for an agency i am class 1 but it was a days work i was in bournmouth and was on a dual carriageway on some roadworks i pulled out past some cars after the roadworks and straight away spotted a camera van i slowed down to under 50 but too late, they got me for doing 58 in a 50 zone a bit petty but i was speeding so had to admit it on the paperwork that came through,you do have options on said paperwork i have opted for a safety awareness course which lasts a few hours at dorset police HQ costs more if they agree but no points on your licence,the cost for me is £110 pounds plus petrol to get there and the loss of a days pay but as i said no points so if you are nicked i would say thats your best option if you want to keep the points off,or you can accept the fine and 3 points

Unfortunately we don’t have that luxury in Scotland mate, up here its a straight 3 points and £60 fine. Now on day 17 and still heard nothing. Want to make a discreet enquiry about it at work but don’t want to drop myself in the ■■■■ either. What will be will be.

Remember when caught speeding you have to inform your car insurance co. and the Traffic Commissioners as well.The minor transgression can cost an increase in motor policy and a suspension of your vocational licence,happy days on the road.

so once you get points in your driving license you have to inform the traffic lot. How do you get that contact numbers?