Hi Fifth Dragoon,maybe you can answer me a question,I drove LPG tankers for years for both BOC at Seal Sands and Shell from Teesport and Stanlow,after retiring I lived in the Republic of Ireland and I would see every morning(5am to 6am) an ERF artic, running I would think at 38 tonnes,now it was always sluggish,but one while sat in a lay by in went by,and I’m convinced it was a two stroke!do you know if Calor had any"experimental"tractor units in use?this would be 2006/7/8 .thanks anyway!
Hi Joeshell, I left calor in 1999, so I could not say with any authority about this, however I would doubt it very much as all Calor vehicles are to pet reg standards, and type approved, which would probably eliminate tinkering. We did operate some Commer two strokes in the 1970s ex Monkton Motors but they were truly crap. I dismantled the BOC site at Seal Sands as the storage tanks failed the upgraded 10 year test. Did you know Bill Galloway?
The erf you seen in Dublin was driven by Tom oconnor as far as I know. It did a daily trunk from Dublin to a satellite depot in claremorris.
Hi again Fifth Dragoon,how well we knew Bill Galloway(wild Bill as he was known)canny fella in his time,and the ERF thing i asked,someone else resonded that did a run to Claremorris daily,well that would certainly fit in as i travelled the same direction most of the way,but to my ears it certainly sounded like a Detroit Diesel,drove one for a short while in the States,funny how time changes you,when i was at BOC driving a Foden " stroke i loved to hear it scream 40 years on,one day was a killer!!
Hi again Fifth Dragoon,how well we knew Bill Galloway(wild Bill as he was known)canny fella in his time,and the ERF thing i asked,someone else responded that did a run to Claremorris daily,well that would certainly fit in as i travelled the same direction most of the way,but to my ears it certainly sounded like a Detroit Diesel,drove one for a short while in the States,funny how time changes you,when i was at BOC driving a Foden " stroke i loved to hear it scream 40 years on,one day was a killer!!
a couple from the old Rushden depot , both had just been repainted into Calor transport colours from the previous owners , the Scania was Monkton transport and the Scammell was ex Sheltons, both photos are from around 1972ish
Noticed the fleet numbers and registration and was wondering if this was a Harold Woods contract motor ?
It definitely is Calor, I think it is SO2. Calor did acquire some Harold Wood pressure tankers they were of Whessoe manufacture with AEC Mk 5 tractor units.
Hi,do you any photos of any Port Clarence motors that used to load in ICI wilton when i did,circa 1994?
Are you talking about the contract vehicles on ICI gases, or the Calor collect propane.?
Just for you Joeshell, taken at Port Clarence, can’t recall the drivers name as he was called by his nickname, as he had an eye defect, and it wasn’t very complimentary, although it didn’t seem to bother him.
Cheers 5th Dragoon,theyre the ones,there was a little guy,drove a Triumph Stag with a V8 in it,and a guy from Trimdon way,and we loaded from Stanlow and Esso at Stoke on Trent there was a guy,i think called Big Harry due to a part of his anatomy(which,apparently,he was famed for)
The guy with the Stag was Bill Tomlinson, and there were a few drivers from around the trimdon, sedgefield neck of the woods.
And here was me thinking that having a full load on the A15 coming back from Immingham was bad enough in the depths of winter