Calling all NIGHT TRUNKERS! First T&D blag of 2019

Happy New Year and all that! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I’m on the hunt for night trunkers who are up for answering a quick questionnaire for a Truck & Driver magazine feature. You can either type me your answers or we can do it over the phone, your choice entirely. Anyone feeling brave? :stuck_out_tongue: :open_mouth: :blush: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ALSO, I’m particularly keen to find someone who’s done double-manned night trunking for a short interview. Any takers?

Thanks in hopeful advance… Lucy. :slight_smile:

Ps. If you’re someone who I have deduced may be a night trunker using fiendishly clever tricks (the search engine on here) I may have sent you this by PM already, in which case I apologise if you’re reading it for a second time! :blush: :unamused: :open_mouth: :laughing:

I do nights. What are the Questions?

I’ll have a go too.

I’d be happy to answer any questions too.

Thanks guys, all three of you have PMs - don’t panic though, any time this week (including the weekend) will do for getting them back to me! :grimacing:

I forgot to add, keep your offers coming by the way - the more the merrier! :grimacing:

Night trucker here. Happy to oblige.

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Mwah…I feel unloved, or I’ve not blagged enough about the mega night money, sleeping on the job and 10 hours max - I wish! :slight_smile:

Do pallet night trunking for an independent company (ie: not Palletforce etc) if that’s any good.

Started at 3am this morning…

And I felt like a night driver for a while - no one else on the roads etc…

But I don’t know how some of you lot do it…!? :confused:

Hi Lucy.I’ve been retired a little over 4 years after 15 years of night work including the occasional double man work.If you feel I qualify please pm me.Thanks.

I do nights and will have a go if you’re still looking

Count me in. :slight_smile:

Let me know if you need anyone else! :smiley:

Were’s Connors 10p worth.

Those who offered should all now have PMs - let me know if I’ve missed you though, 'cos my connection went down halfway through! :blush:

Any more? As I said, more the merrier! :grimacing:

Me please

Was a night trunk driver now a day driver looking to get back to nights. Happy to answer any questions

Happy to help

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I’ll have a bit of that too, thanks. Will return answers by Sat.

Night trunker since 2004.

PMs sent! :grimacing:

Still time and room for more! :stuck_out_tongue: