Calais to Belgium

There are no limits on how much you can bring fact.…/arrivingeu.htm

Quite right, no limits any more, there are guide line quantities though. If you have quantities above those guide lines, you could have questions to answer.They may decide to confiscate everything.
The guide line quantities are what HMRC consider adequate for your own personal use.
You do know that what you import has to be for your own personal use don’t you?
HMRC guideline quantities are also intended for tourists on an outing. As we are in and out of the country on a more frequent basis, they tend to keep more of an eye on us.




Again thank you, first time on the wrong side of the road for me
If i do get the time toby i certainly will be having a look around
I just need a rack for my bike to mount it on the back off the cab, ive had dumbells for ages

Thought you went to s&k to do europe :question:

Sadly it wasnt for me at the time , missus and baby come first
Single now though :smiley:

cool, who you gone with ? s&k again

No mate a local firm, i joined them with no expectations of doin europe but was asked if id like to :smiley: :smiley:

A successful delivery to river island Antwerp…if you excuse driving in the the tram lanes and down a 1 way street :astonished: :open_mouth: ,quite hard to find as it was in he pedestrianised area, cheers for the pointers