Im currently reading the book “JUGGERNAUT”, trucking to Saudi Arabia.This is back in the 80’s, they were complaining then of east europeans taken work from them, BUT they use the word “CABOTAGE”. In the old days of the Common Market ,cabotage was forbidden between common market members when practised by EEC-domiciled trucking firms. Does the word cabotage apply in haulage, or is it a free for all,which has been going many, many years

The real meaning of Cabotage is coastal navigation

Restriction of internal air services to a country’s own carriers.

they is a very strange set of regulations regarding cabotage which is still on the statute book
legislation.hmso.gov.uk/si/s … 2_en_1.htm

I don’t know if us being in Europe things have changed but I would expect they have.