Cab red night light

Don’t forget the grease and oil! :laughing: :laughing:

The Germans used to use red lights in their u boats… Don’t mention the war! :wink:

The Germans used to use red lights in their u boats… Don’t mention the war! :wink:

That was well before my time.

bonnie lass:
On the eye testing we had to identify the colours of lights over three miles away.

That’s because as the Officer on Watch on the bridge you have to be able to see red and green to see which way ships in your area at night are heading. So you cannot be on watch on the bridge if you are red and green colour blind.


bonnie lass:
On the eye testing we had to identify the colours of lights over three miles away.

That’s because as the Officer on Watch on the bridge you have to be able to see red and green to see which way ships in your area at night are heading. So you cannot be on watch on the bridge if you are red and green colour blind.

Ahhh, now I know thanks, dad died when I was an eight year old kid , so a lot of information was lost.

Good enough for submarines - good enough for the cab :grimacing:

2 pages about interior red or green night lights :open_mouth:
Should I be cleaning the tread on the steering axle wheels with a toothbrush or would a paintbrush be adequate? :blush: :confused:

It could make three pages yet!!! lol :laughing: :laughing:

My XF has the red cab illuminations - however they annoy the hell out of me after a few minutes… :laughing: :laughing:

My XF has the red cab illuminations - however they annoy the hell out of me after a few minutes… :laughing: :laughing:

I bet it does! Lol :laughing: :laughing:



People talking about changing bulbs to more soothing colours…the bulbs are white it’s the red lense that makes it red.

A lot of the G cabs I have driven in the past don’t have the red lights in. Then again, they didn’t have electric drivers windows in either.


bonnie lass:
On the eye testing we had to identify the colours of lights over three miles away.

That’s because as the Officer on Watch on the bridge you have to be able to see red and green to see which way ships in your area at night are heading. So you cannot be on watch on the bridge if you are red and green colour blind.

Cant be arsed to look out of the wheelhouse window to plot a ships course an speed, just stick an echo trail on the radar and set the distance alarm, a red light dosent spoil your night vision whereas other colours do and allows you to see where you have left your last beer and to stop you banging into stuff while staggering around ■■■■■■■ I learned all this off our East European seafaring cousins :wink:

Ps. Ships navigation lights have to be able to be visible at a minimum of 3 miles for side lights, stern lights and 6 miles for masthead lights and should be displayed between the hours of sunset and sunrise. Nowt to do so bored …

Btw. A full seafarers medical (ENG1) can still be granted if colour blind for a lookout/watchkeeping duty but would be endorsed fit for daylight watches only or not as the only lookout/watchkeeper. Told ya I had nowt to do :slight_smile:

Told ya I had nowt to do :slight_smile:

Do you have nowt to do due to being parked at a jaunty angle just off Southampton? Or wasn’t that you? :wink:

Haha, not this time it wasn’t ! Big isn’t always better, I prefer the smaller stuff now where there isn’t so much b/s. On Sunday I go back on the floating plank outa Troon and will spend most of my time still on the pc waiting on decent weather to be able to sail …

I made my own portable one back in 80’s. I got a trailer foglamp and bolted a market stall clamp and a length of 2 core with a ■■■ lighter plug on. would stick it in the sun roof slot where you pulled it down. was handy when changing units and worked a treat. was more of a comfort light on french motorways when running solo, if was on the wire would unplug to stay invisble to jonnydarms… haha brings back memories


My Merc has a little green light over the passenger side, sure its one of the things they forgot to move over when making RHD versions. Its not even bright enough to pour my tea.

All ours have them both sides. Maybe the bulb has blown? :wink:

I have green lights on both sides. I also have a button on the dash that turns these lights Blue…

To be honest I never use the Green or Blue lights…

use red at one side green on the other then if you miss the ferry ships know what side you are on :smiley: :smiley:

How would anyone miss the ferry ■■ Ramps are plenty big enough for most of us! :wink: