I seem to recall truck magazine used to run this.
Maybe it could be resurrected!
Anyway, here’s my starter for ten.
Ah bless. (. Comment from the Missus )
Good idea to resurrect it , along with Shobba
When I read the title I tho we was on about lady’s of the night mutts
no but theres quite a “interesting” thread elsewhere on this site
shes gawjus really nice doggy, mines a shiba inu , but not a cab mutt coz i dnt drive hgv,s any more .
shes gawjus really nice doggy, mines a shiba inu , but not a cab mutt coz i dnt drive hgv,s any more .
That’s a nice dog, but where would you sleep at night, cos looking at him, he would have first dibs on the bed!
shes gawjus really nice doggy, mines a shiba inu , but not a cab mutt coz i dnt drive hgv,s any more .That’s a nice dog, but where would you sleep at night, cos looking at him, he would have first dibs on the bed!
he has my bed i have the floor !!! i know my place
That’s my boy!
awww he looks really comfy only thing missing is a juicy bone!
No bone but he likes his dentisticks.
aww got 2 keep his teeth clean for all the ■■■■■■■ !!!
Heres mine, well one of em anyway, she’s my forum namesake, “Gem”.
Likes nothing more than her basket ball and shes’ like my daughter that i never had!
And man is she a smart dog.
No many dogs know how to slam dunk
That’s a cracking action shot with the ball.
Is she a cab mutt or a common or garden house mutt.
There is a difference you know:)
That’s a cracking action shot with the ball.
Is she a cab mutt or a common or garden house mutt.
There is a difference you know:)
Cheers! She’s been out with me a couple of times but dosen’t like it to much. She’s not your ideal cab mut to be honest, prefers bloody fields etc! I think cab muts are the preserve of ‘russels’ & terriers and wot not.
This is mine. Not a cab mutt, but she’s been all over Europe in the car…
Here mine
She a Chinese fighting dog “Shar Pei”
My Bedlington used to go all over with me,now it’s all “health&safety” no pets, children, etc etc on site, the dog was a great “ice breaker”,many customers were very happy to see him & make a fuss of him!
Heres mine, well one of em anyway, she’s my forum namesake, “Gem”.
Likes nothing more than her basket ball and shes’ like my daughter that i never had!
And man is she a smart dog.
Top Mutt! … and the winner is …
Here mine
She a Chinese fighting dog “Shar Pei”
How did you get a pic of my wife.