Ive been thinking (dangerous I know) while posting in a thread about a black kenworth in the proffesional drivers forum. It seemed to me it might be a good idea about the possibility of having a specific cab happy’s and sad anorak’s forum, where photos, anorak discussions and all that type of stuff can be corralled into one area.
In this thread, anorak’s could post to their hearts content about whatever subject of anorakdom, be it truck, train, or not about a vehicle of any type, that floats their boat, secure in the knowledge that only fellow anoraks will be reading the thread (or anoraks in denial, who will not post anyway).
Then non anoraks could easily avoid the forum, and not be peed off and be impelled into making negative posts about the Anorak’s obsessions!
I personally enjoy reading, (and can relate to ) these threads that tell stories of how things were years ago, when our motors were called ‘lorries’ and not ‘trucks’.However, younger TruckNet members might not be so interested.
This would be the ideal forum for these ‘tales of yesteryear’.
Glad you like the idea Graham! I was thinking it could really be for anything at all, so yes, the old lorries, or new ones, technical interest and anecdotal tales ect. Theres probably a lot of people that have some great useless facts that would be fascinating to the average anorak! In fact whatever floats your boat!