Bunker fuel.

How do i know when i am getting the bunker price with UK fuels,i have a BP,Shell and Esso card.Each week i get two prices (Bunker/Non Bunker),but how do i know when i pull on to the forecourt what price i am getting.I normally don’t worry as its only 1ppl difference but this week its 4ppl.

Depending on who supplies the cards you can down load an app to your phone. You can set this to Bunker or Non Bunker sites so you can work out which sites to go too.

I’m pretty sure there isn’t a way to differentiate between the 2 when you are on the forecourt.

Depending on who supplies the cards you can down load an app to your phone. You can set this to Bunker or Non Bunker sites so you can work out which sites to go too.

I’m pretty sure there isn’t a way to differentiate between the 2 when you are on the forecourt.

Thanks,i just got it.

As said you can get an app.
I can`t help with BP and esso, but with shell, generally if the shop is badged as deli to go, it is a shell owned site and is bunker price on your card, if its a spar, mace or other type shop its a forecourt price.