Brown nose!

Just want to say, this site is been a great source of much needed info. I stumbled upon it a few days ago, whilst looking for a wee reminder as to the correct procedure for hooking up trailers, as I am about to go for an interview for my first class1 job, having been driving rigids for a few years. I passed my class1 9 years ago, but haven’t driven one since, so needed a wee reminder.

Glad I found you all. Now I’m here, I think I’ll stay.

Welcome to Trucknet Lostpup.
I found this site just over a year ago, basically in the same way you did and found it was a hive in info and guys and gurls willing to help on the most trivial things… :wink:
Dont be affraid to ask anything, no matter how small you might think…

Glad you found us, and even glader that your gonna stay… :sunglasses:
Have fun, and welcome to the mad house… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: