Wheel Nut:
Broken Down but huge thanks to Diesel Dave who recovered me and got me back to my flat tonight. I had walked to the local pub for a bite, but could not make it back through severe pain & discomfort.
Now then Malc, that was just like the old days… you see somebody having a problem, then you do whatever is necessary to get it sorted. 
Wheel Nut:
We had gone out for a little Nouvelle Cuisine. Dave called it half portions, but due to total disorganisation on my part, ended up having to walk “just around the corner” She would make a great transport manager, just nip, just pop 
If that was Nouvell Cuisine, it was very nice indeed. 
As I said to the waiter, it’s a good job I know somebody who drives for the Red Cross. 
So let me just get this straight… “Nouvelle Cuisine” is a new way of saying “Half Portions” ■■
Wheel Nut:
I am going into Hospital on Friday next for another hip replacement. The old one is worn beyond recognition and Dave suggested we meet up again as he was working in the area. So instead of a quick bite and him on his way home, he had to utilise the pie-mobile as an ambulance.
Ahh, a new hip is just like fitting a new track-rod end, so you’ll be out and about in no time. 
Just ensure that they put your leg back on so that your toes face the intended direction of travel.

Wheel Nut:
Thanks for our food Dave. it is a pity yours was not cooked 
No Malc, my thanks go to you and Jools for your expert local knowledge of eating establishments.
It’s a shame that my lamb was still alive when they served it, but even with my knowledge of cookery it seemed to me that they should have killed the thing before they served it up. 
If it has blood circulation, as mine did, then it’s still alive.

Mind you, it was absolutely perfect once they’d finished cooking it. 
I hope your op goes according to plan. 
May we look forward to a hospital diary??