British Gypsum now deliver right to your wall

Bad day “in the quiet lane” Drive? Ahh, the lanes of Somerset me babber! … ck-3556797

My mate Cookie works for them.

Gypo won’t be happy about that. Safety first and all that. Who had it off DHL does anyone know?

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sure it was XPO.

apparently thats just the way cookie crumbles :slight_smile:

They run out of our place in Avonmouth as they were made homeless earlier in the year, all new trailers and units too, I’ll look out for Cookie that’s if he’s still putting his plate in the front window !!

I just…

Don’t get it? There’s no way the truck will go any further without getting jammed, therefore the only option is to reverse back out. Why would you keep going until you’re stuck?

A good reason not to have your name on a number plate.

Are there any restricions or warnings on that road? One comment there about it happening as “a regular occurrence”.
Any lack of signage, doesn’t excuse ‘keep shoving until it’s stuck’, but good signs may make it less frequent.

Go hard or go home. Looks like he did both but it was someone else’s home :smiley:

If it’s a regular occurrence is there a business or maybe farm, or a business on old farm (been to a few of those before) in the area that has a rather vague post code and lack of instructions for drivers. If it’s regular then it’s not just total stupidity from drivers. If you look on google maps where it is they must think something is down that road to be on it surely, because it doesn’t look like a short cut even for a car sat nav.

If it’s a regular occurrence is there a business or maybe farm, or a business on old farm (been to a few of those before) in the area that has a rather vague post code and lack of instructions for drivers. If it’s regular then it’s not just total stupidity from drivers. If you look on google maps where it is they must think something is down that road to be on it surely, because it doesn’t look like a short cut even for a car sat nav.

From the way he is facing he is trying to get out back to the main road

Cant see many signs but appears its tried coming down this hill and actually hot stuck on Thurpe Lane. Looking at the map, that is miles from any major roads so they came down some seriously narrow roads.

Bet there were cars parked there too like on street view.
(Hope that works)

Or what Robroy calls an average day in Somerset…except he doesn’t get stuck. :slight_smile:

Or when he does he keeps quiet about it!

Beau Nydel:
Or when he does he keeps quiet about it!

thats why he always has his nights out in a pub so he can watch the telly and see if he is on sky news with the helicopter lifting the trailer out and turning it round for him…plus a few pints to steady the old nerves… :slight_smile:

plus a few pints to steady the old nerves…

“Sure, an` do ya drink much?”
“Why no, I spill most of it”

Sorry, but its lateo`clock on a Sunday…

Gypo won’t be happy about that. Safety first and all that. Who had it off DHL does anyone know?

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Yes XPO have it now and are having a right nightmare the last few weeks. 1 truck in a ditch which was on here, Reynolds unit with new Gypsum trailer.
Accident last week with a driver turning right, a car went into the side of it, car was indicating left but didn’t turn instead carried straight on.
New trailer hit a tree, trailer lost.
One over on its side in the north east, forkie tipped all of one side and asked driver to turn around so he could do the other side, oops, couped it over.
Few bridges have been hit since the contract was taken over.
Brand new rigid was on it’s way to be delivered and hit a bridge, no more delivery…
It’s not going well at all.

Beau Nydel:
Or when he does he keeps quiet about it!

:laughing: Must admit I’ve had one or two hairy moments, (Cornwall/Devon more than Somerset) and tbf I did put a couple on here.
That bloody right angle bend in Milbrook for instance, managed to get round it on way down bending to right, but could I ■■■■ get round on way back as easy on a left hander this time for some reason.
I did everything I could to find out prior btw, phone calls, map etc, Google Earth looked tight, but not TOO tight, but I suppose an aerial view can be deceptive.
I got assurance off the boat yard near the ferry that I was going to :unamused: …‘We get trucks delivering here regular’ according to phone call :unamused: , obviously puddle jumpers.
Alarm bells started to ring when a local stopped me to ask if I was sure I could get around the next bend :open_mouth: , but I was committed by then.
Anyhow, did manage to get trailer round, but on return with literally mm to spare from the guttering on the adjacent building, and help from some of the locals, (not including that little ■■■■ with his phone aimed at me which was nearly protruding from his back passage. :smiling_imp: )…
I put that drop on my ‘Never go back list’. :smiley:
Point is you’re right, that could easily have been me, but it will not be for the lack of checking everything out by me first, but ■■■■ does happen. :neutral_face: