Britains Got Talent

Good old fashioned ‘variety entertainment’ is still going strong.:joy:

I reckon he’s ‘blown’ any chances he might have had with the ‘glamorous assistant’ though btw.:grin:

Thank goodness he didn’t clear his throat, before the performance. :grimacing:

Mr Methane was on BGT years ago, it didn’t go down well but if that’s your thing blow your socks off … … … now that really would be worth watching :smile:

Mr Methane - Britain’s Got Talent - Show 5 (

This sort of schoolboy humour isn’t really my thing but I did find myself wanting this bloke to succeed in what he was trying to do.

Got to say no matter how old you are, or how grown up you think you may be, to blokes, f4rts and f4rting are funny…

Or is it just me.:thinking:

(Maybe it proves what I’ve always suspected, I’m just a pretend grown up.:joy:)

Jeez H it seems the plural for fart and the act of doing it, is even censored…but not the singular🙄
How tf does that work exactly.

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There is no end to this guy’s repetoire.
Any requests?