Brexit Driver Shortage - Afghans To The Rescue

There have been a number of tongue in cheek mentions of Afghan refugees coming to aid the current driver shortage.

I haven’t driven there for many years and back then they mainly drove Beford TJs and from what I saw were as good as anywhere else.

Fast forward 40 years and now they handle 6x4 Mercs with 45’ / 50’ trailers grossing way over what any self respecting cowboy outfit would try to get away with here and on roads that would give nightmares to most steering wheel attendants.

Those on the Pakistan run have a similar experience to our Euro run drivers except the other way round, starting off from home driving on the right and then switching to the left at landi Kotal (not sure how it is now, but we used to switch over in our own time on the no-mans land bridge between the border posts).

If it was a toss up between training up an Audi driving young Brit and an Afghan Merc driver, I reckon the main difference would be training the Aghan how to deal 'NICELY with VOSA, pointy shoes, RDC brain dead and how the food is even worse at MSA’s than Afghanistan. And attempting to teach the Audi driver how to drive before you even started them on the truck driving part.

If you’ve been running the gauntlett of Taliban checkpoints I reckon they could handle anything from community traffic checks to diesel fairies without even breaking sweat.

I’d start them off on farm deliveries first where the roads are more like home, then when they are more acclimatised give them an AK47 and a Union Card and put them on RDC work, with an instruction that they are to be tipped on arrival.

The main thing is they get paid the same and are not treated as cheap labour - most importantly it needs to be drummed into them that they don’t change wheels or do any running repairs to their trucks, that they are just there to steer them.

Any Doubts:-

Loads more on UTube

Plus they could bring a new style of Bling to V8 Scanias - I have tried not to imagine it, but it is hard to forget once done.

that lot plead poverty but are often wealthy . one lives near me he was asking in the shop anyone know who can fit his aircon, already bought the set up apparently

> corij:
> that lot plead poverty but are often wealthy . one lives near me he was asking in the shop anyone know who can fit his aircon, already bought the set up apparently

I was going to add an apology to say that whilst all those appearing in the Videos look like they are from Yorkshire, I am sure they are indigenous to the area and not from Yorkistan.

And yes cori, the Aghans I dealt with in Heckmondwycke did not appear to poverty-stricken, but they did provide a pretty good back up system in Afghanistan and they insisted we stopped and checked in with their pals, particularly in Kabul & Jalalabad to make sure we were safe & going well. Can’t fault them myself

I reckon the main difference would be training the Aghan how to deal 'NICELY with VOSA

Easy: take card out, take off company shirt, put civilian jacket on - start calmly walking away - No, sir - I’m not the driver of this truck, sir!