Hi all,
Looking for a new job in or around the Bristol area. Noticed that Brakes (Portbury) are looking for drivers and are offering a good salary with regular day work. Anyone know what they’re like to work?
Hi all,
Looking for a new job in or around the Bristol area. Noticed that Brakes (Portbury) are looking for drivers and are offering a good salary with regular day work. Anyone know what they’re like to work?
It’s really hard graft in all honesty. I’ve done work for them and you’re looking a minimum of 10 hour days with around 6 of those spent ■■■■■■■ crap up stairs.
Two types of work. One is to big places like harvester & Toby carvery around 5-8 drops.
The other can be between 15-30 and includes independent restaurants and schools.
Over in the south east the pay is 29k mon - fri with one sat per month if I remember correctly.
You will go home tired but on the plus side they give new drivers a start and you’ll get be able to handle any job if you can crack that
Didn’t realise they had a depot there, i know they have one in cribbs and one in yate. After passing my class 2 i did a few weeks at the yate depot. Like The guy before me said it’s can be really hard work, there is alot of handball… I’m not sure where they deliver to at the portbury depot. But Even as a new pass driver after a few weeks i told the agency I would not be going back there ever again!.. the money is meant to be quite good for class 2 work though.
Like i said, not sure where portbury deliver to, but the work i did at yate was too much for me. I was 23 at the time and reasonably fit, i went home everyday in a sweaty mess and my back/body felt broke… i never got why there was quite a few older guys there (45-55 maybe) maybe class 1 drivers?
i never got why there was quite a few older guys there (45-55 maybe) maybe class 1 drivers?
I’ll take a guess that they’d bagged themselves the easier runs and left the crappy ones to the Newbies!
I did the same type of work years back and it took a bit to get the hang of it but once you do you’ll wonder why it took you so long, as said above, once you crack picking off the back of the Wagon and doing so many drops every other job you’ll ever have will be a piece of p×ss
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At Portbury now as they have moved from their Highbridge depot. Not many of the Highbridge drivers moved with them.
I worked for them about 12 years ago. Hardest graft I’ve ever had to do. Back then it was a bonus based job. Bonus was based on mileage, invoices, net weight, items delivered plus monies collected. First off you had to earn your basic then anything over that was ‘profit’ if you like. Just be prepared to earn your corn. Multi-drop isn’t for the faint hearted.
Good luck,