Boys in Blue now in LGV`s

Listening to radio5 Mon night had a feature on there about police in LGV Birmingham area one driving the other with video cam, caught one guy using 2 phones at once others watching films on laptops Truck was a Scania loaned to them by Scania .They have a plain wrapper running with them & they are the ones that stop you.
What next 500 topline in checky paintwork with Blue lights on the top :question: :unamused:
just an add on greek now back full time night trunk Elldis look out for Tetley paintwork gives us a toot might get a social life back on weekends now :smiley: :smiley:

Listening to radio5 Mon night had a feature on there about police in LGV Birmingham area one driving the other with video cam, caught one guy using 2 phones at once others watching films on laptops Truck was a Scania loaned to them by Scania .They have a plain wrapper running with them & they are the ones that stop you.
What next 500 topline in checky paintwork with Blue lights on the top :?: :unamused:
just an add on greek now back full time night trunk Elldis look out for Tetley paintwork gives us a toot might get a social life back on weekends now :smiley: :smiley:


*picture taken from the highwayman post on this topic:

click me click me a whole discussion on it :grimacing: :grimacing:
