Bowyers trowbridge

Hello All,
Can any one please help i used to work for Bowyers of Trowbridge , and i am looking for any photo’s of the fleet circa 1970’s onwards, Bowyers has sadly closed down being a victim of a buy out by a venture capital company, hey ho.



i cant help with bowyers but i did used to service a dennis and a guy that used to collect the swill from there for hampshire hogs. they were the worst vehicles i have ever had to drive. the bodies were cable multi lifts with box bodies made from the old freightliner type scammel coupling trailers. yet another nightmare reborn on this forum.

Pieman… there use to be an AEC Mammoth Major 8 wheeler, come through Baginton every weekday night , bang on 10pm, he use to go to Morton’s yard and offload in to smaller trucks I think, his name was Chris ?, he eventually went on to work on Morton’s Car delivery side, this was later 60’s early 70’s. Did you know him? and what was his surname?

hotel magnum:
i cant help with bowyers but i did used to service a dennis and a guy that used to collect the swill from there for hampshire hogs. they were the worst vehicles i have ever had to drive. the bodies were cable multi lifts with box bodies made from the old freightliner type scammel coupling trailers. yet another nightmare reborn on this forum.

Do you mean the Bowyers vehicles were multilifts? surely all the pies would fall backwards onto the shutters :stuck_out_tongue:

It seems they would be heavy too