Blow outs 1 = Bacon butties nil!

Yesterday should have been a nice and easy day. Run from Rugby Truckstop to Thetford. Swap trailers, then run back to the depot near Huntingdon for a drivers meeting at 1000. :sunglasses:

We have these meetings every six weeks or so, to discuss pay, conditions and any gripes that we have. Our URTU stewards are present, the General Manager is there, as is the Transport Manager and most of the transport, fleet, and planning teams.

The meetings are generally very constructive, and the company provides free filter coffee, to go with the free bacon rolls and sausage sarnies. :smiley:

Anyway, I set out from Rugby a little after 0500, planning to be at the depot by about 0900-0930 ish. I found my trailer in the yard at Thetford, and eventually got the required paperwork.

I then set off back along the A11, through Elveden, past Red Lodge and joined the A14. Came round the Girton Interchange, past the Cemetery, then just as I was passing Bar Hill at 0900 — BANG — and the truck started wobbling about all over the place.

‘Hello’, I thought to myself, ‘something up here.’

I got it over onto the end of the entry slip and stopped because by now I could hear metallic scraping noises. I bunged on the four-ways and clambered down out of the cab to find this was what was left of my front, off side trailer tyre:

About 500m behind me I could see that the remains of the tyre and mudguard were scattered all over the road and cars were swerving about to avoid hitting it. They were still doing 90 mph, mind. I mean it’s not as if slowing down would help, is it?? :unamused: :imp:

I called the police and told them about the debris, and then my office. asking them to get Hill Hire to call ATS out with some new rubber.

Within fifteen minutes two HATOs turned up in a Discovery and stopped the traffic to clear up the mess in the road. Then they parked behind me and switched on their flashy lights to stop any muppet running into the back of the trailer, before coning my vehicle off.

I’d like to say to anyone who has no experience of HATOs what thoroughly decent blokes they are. They are not at all cocky or smarmy, they just make sure you are OK, and find out what is happening regarding recovery / repairs. They were a little concerned when I told them I was fully freighted with chemical based cleaning agents, so they told Hill Hire that a 60-90 minutes callout was not good enough, and to get a move on. :laughing:

Within twenty minutes the man from ATS arrived and changed the tyre in about another fifteen, without removing the rim.

This was the bugger that spoiled my morning:

As I was leaving, one of the HATOs asked me if I’d like him to stop the traffic while I got myself going, because I was heavily loaded and had nothing in the way of any acceleration space. I declined, but it was nice that he offered. :wink:

I arrived back at the depot at about 1100. I’d missed the meeting, but the worst bit about the whole thing? Despite all of my ‘brothers’ in that meeting room being aware of my predicament, and that I would be there as quickly as I could be, not one of the buggers had thought to save me a bacon butty!! :laughing:

Definatly agree with you over the HATO’s. I had a similar problem on the M5 between J1 and 2. They came and checked everything was ok, then just left me to wait for the tyre fitters. They called back later whilst I was waiting for the truck fitter as a brake was stuck on as a result of the blowout. All they did was check everything was ok and said if the fitter needed a lane closing to rig their control room and they’d come back.

Totally different to some reports I had heard about them being stroppy.

Is this the confessional :question: , if it is I had problems on Sat morning too, not so much a blow out as a blow off :confused: , heading down the M6 on sat morning, with an elderly JCB digger on board.
I’d already put a strap horizontally round the cab to keep the ropey looking doors from flapping about, but didn’t check the roof :unamused:
Going down the hill past Keele in lane 2, getting up a bit of speed up to pass a Tesco, heard a bang and checked the miirrors to see the roof and its lining landing in lane 3 :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Pulled into lane 1, then the hard shoulder, stopped and checked to see if it was mine, which it was :cry: and dialled 999, its already been reported, the HATO is on his way, and within 2 minutes I could just see them blocking the carriageway and dragging the roof onto the side. Then they drove down to me to check things were ok.
They were joking about the digger being worth more now it was a cabriolet :sunglasses: , and they arranged for the maintanance crew to pick the roof up in their van and bring it down to me, then they helped me load it onto the trailer where I strapped it down, good and proper :smiling_imp:
HATO’s get 10 out of 10 from me too.

Where abouts in thetford was you picking your trailer up from mate?

I went past you on Sat morning Jon. The Hato’s were behind you but no ATS.IF you had flagged me down would have gone up to the services and brought you a buttie back!

Where abouts in thetford was you picking your trailer up from mate?

Trailer swap was at Jeyes, bud. Don’t know the name of the road, but you can see the place from the A11.

DHL is their on-site haulier. Although I work for a different depot, I do find myself doing odd bits here and there for Thetford.

I went past you on Sat morning Jon. The Hato’s were behind you but no ATS.IF you had flagged me down would have gone up to the services and brought you a buttie back!

Well that’d have been very decent of you, Graham - thanks. :smiley:

I was bloody hungry by the time I got back. Seeing as it was the end of the week, the fridge was just about empty!! :laughing:

I tell you something that did surprise me - the amount of trucks that moved over to the right to give a bit of distance between us. I’d say 80% did, or at least attempted to, move over. It was certainly appreciated :smiley:


Where abouts in thetford was you picking your trailer up from mate?

Trailer swap was at Jeyes, bud. Don’t know the name of the road, but you can see the place from the A11.

DHL is their on-site haulier. Although I work for a different depot, I do find myself doing odd bits here and there for Thetford.

That would be at the bottom of Brunel Way, pass a lot of green buildings on the way down to the bottom? That used to be a flourishing business called Nichol Beauty Products. My father worked there for 20 years.

I tell you something that did surprise me - the amount of trucks that moved over to the right to give a bit of distance between us. I’d say 80% did, or at least attempted to, move over. It was certainly appreciated

The number of times i move over when i see someone working next to the live lane… only to watch the truck behind me shave them.

I spend most of my working life on the h/s and must say the majority of trucks will either move into lane 2,or move towards white line,if being overtaken.Even more so do at night,perhaps because they have the room to do so.
We did get abuse last week,when we had 3 hgv’s breakdown in lane 1,between M1 J7 and J10 all at the same time.The last one was by the M10 slip road in lane 1,which is actually lane 2 of 4.With a broke propshaft,all we could do was wait for immediate removal.In procedure,we are not allowed to create an island and have traffic passing on both sides of an incident,but the only way to cone out this hgv was to have the M10 slip passing on the nearside,and lanes 3 & 4 passing on the offside.Because of all three breakdowns,the traffic was tailing back onto the M25.
I was standing in the coned area,arranging an â– â– â– â– â– â–  for the recovery truck to reach scene via h/s,when i heard a horn.I looked round to see a truck driver giving me a very nice sign.Im used to this,but the fact that it was a James Irlam amused me,because they have probably caused more congestion in our region than any other haulier.They have had 5 major incidents,in our area, that im aware off.The last at J13 causing the M1 to be closed for 9 hours and the unfortunate death of a Irlam driver.

That would be at the bottom of Brunel Way, pass a lot of green buildings on the way down to the bottom? That used to be a flourishing business called Nichol Beauty Products. My father worked there for 20 years.

No it’s not mate. Or at least that’s not where we are based!! Don’t know what is down Brunel Way - Jeyes may well have something down there.

Here is where we go. It’s the first gate on the left down Wyatt Way :wink:

Says Jeyes on the place. Dirty great, white coloured building.

Ah yes, Jeyes distribution depot is up there isnt it, the production plant is down the bottom of Brunel Way.

That big white building really needs a clean.