blocked post

Sorry i thought this was an open forum to say what we really think,i wasn,t being racist or atacking anyone,just a genuine question to see what others think,i guess i,ll never know now,sorry all the best.

ooooh do tell :laughing:

ooooh do tell :laughing:


If I,m right in thinking that your "blocked post " was about “■■■■■■” Bob, then unfortunately you seem to have rattled someone,s cage ,and the dead hand of Censorship has dropped on you. :unamused: :unamused: This is supposed to be the Land of Free Speech.Millions of our Military Forces have fought and died to preserve that right. :frowning: :frowning:
Perhaps some Joskies have signed up as members of TNUK, and it is non pc to call them such names. You should have used the more romantic term “Travelling Folk”. (as in folk who travel about in their pick-ups, nicking everything they can get their thieving mitts on). Never mind eh!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Used to be a really nice family that would park up in Penzance Mr & Mrs Smith and their sons going back a few years mind.

They had a wedding there one year and what a party that was nd to be honet I never heard a bad word against them. They turned up about the same time every year the site was cleaned and they even cut the grass provided their own bins and you would see them taking any rubbish t the local tip…

Always had nice Merc’s and very tidy vans to live in… did a delivery to them and Old Mrs Smith asked if i would like some diner as she had just cooked fresh Stake and Kidney Pie :open_mouth: well you know me and food :laughing: Best dinner I had ever tasted. nice people always a smile and well respected hts off to them even the kids were well behaved :wink:

Sorry i thought this was an open forum to say what we really think,i wasn,t being racist or atacking anyone,just a genuine question to see what others think,i guess i,ll never know now,sorry all the best.

I reckon Rikki has got the painters in. Or maybe with the weather being as it is, he’s not been able to tarmac anyone drive this week…

He’s a closet ■■■■■ sympathiser

There used to be a few parked up Northbound A1 at Thirsk area.
Washing spread on trees to dry, seemd to be there for a couple of years without causing any problems, no rubbish around etc.

Only dealing I have ever had with them personally have been of “out of derv, can you sell a couple of galls for £5” type.

In fairness, to say all “whatever derogatory name you chooose” are the same, is a bit like saying all truckers are " whatever derogatory name"etc

Would I park up near them?

In Coffeeholics post there is a link.

That link takes you to a thread in Bullies Bar.

The thread is titled ■■■■■■ and the first post in it is written by someone who calls themself Bobbya.
Would this happen to be the Blocked Post by any chance ? :unamused: :unamused:

In Coffeeholics post there is a link.

That link takes you to a thread in Bullies Bar.

The thread is titled ■■■■■■ and the first post in it is written by someone who calls themself Bobbya.
Would this happen to be the Blocked Post by any chance ? :unamused: :unamused:

you mean the one coffeeh has linked to?
