Blindspots Film

I posted this in the newbie section but I also think it would be good to post it here too, not that we’re unaware of our blindspots but it hits home a bit seeing them all there.

seen this before, it really wants posting on the car forums and the cyclist forums to make them aware, most (not all) of us HGV/LGV drivers are aware of the blind spots caused by our vehicles, it is the others that are not aware that moan when there is an incident

Whilst a very valid point about potential blind spots on the modern unit there is a very small amount of area which is blind if you actually bother to setup all your mirrors correctly.

Phantom Mark:
Whilst a very valid point about potential blind spots on the modern unit there is a very small amount of area which is blind if you actually bother to setup all your mirrors correctly.


The wide angle mirror in that video looked like it was showing far too much lorry and not enough surroundings.

I am not oblivious to blind spots, but as said above… Setting up your mirrors correctly (modern vehicles usually have buttons in the cab) would negate most of them.

The wide angle mirror in that video looked like it was showing far too much lorry and not enough surroundings.

Definately, 50% of the mirror is filled by truck, why did the camera not get zoomed in on the kerbside mirror? I know the cyclists where a couple of feet away but surely some of them could have been seen in that mirror.

The wide angle mirror in that video looked like it was showing far too much lorry and not enough surroundings.

I am not oblivious to blind spots, but as said above… Setting up your mirrors correctly (modern vehicles usually have buttons in the cab) would negate most of them.

The way the outfit was angled at the junction would cause you to see more truck/trailer than surroundings anyway

Phantom Mark:
Whilst a very valid point about potential blind spots on the modern unit there is a very small amount of area which is blind if you actually bother to setup all your mirrors correctly.

I reckon if you have a fresnel lens on the n/s window there’s hardly any at all, assuming you bother to look over your shoulder on the o/s.

Yes he may have a blind spot but all the cyclists can see the lorry .

And how many still cycle down his left side…d1cks…

Sorry but as others have suggested that video is more of an advert for adjusting the mirrors than anything else.

In spite of the angle of the vehicle the mirrors are set to make the blind spots appear far worse than they really are, with correctly set mirrors and a driver who’s not too lazy to move his body there are very few real blind spots on a modern lorry.


Agree with most other posters. Main mirror is set slightly too far in.
Wide angle mirror (usually mounted at the top of the arm?) is 50% too far in. Half of it is looking at the side of the unit. Top mirror is not looked at, at all by the camera.
An alert (and correctly positioned) driver should be aware the cyclist have come up his near side.

I have got in many trucks to drive them & found the mirrors set like this.

Also agree this should be shown at cycling clubs.