
Hi, hoping one of the mods spots this and refers to admin.

For a couple of weeks now i’ve been unable to even get to the site from my usual browser, indeed the only way to get on at all is via a proxy, via Christ only knows where.

A couple of minutes ago a screen came up telling me i was permanently banned, but i’ve received no complaints that i know of nor am i aware of doing anything wrong as such.

Could someone have a poke nose at my account please and see what the problem is.


Hi, hoping one of the mods spots this and refers to admin.

For a couple of weeks now i’ve been unable to even get to the site from my usual browser, indeed the only way to get on at all is via a proxy, via Christ only knows where.

A couple of minutes ago a screen came up telling me i was permanently banned, but i’ve received no complaints that i know of nor am i aware of doing anything wrong as such.

Could someone have a poke nose at my account please and see what the problem is.


me also,no reply from my question to a mod,so any thoughts■■?

anyone running more than one account :open_mouth:

No idea, and you’ve both posted here so clearly not banned permanently.

Could be an IP was banned and you’ve been caught up in that. An Admin will look into it I’m sure.

No idea, and you’ve both posted here so clearly not banned permanently.

Could be an IP was banned and you’ve been caught up in that. An Admin will look into it I’m sure.

Thanks Coffee, you wouldn’t believe how many times i’ve had to re-login just to answer your post, the permanentely banned message did say the IP is banned.

No idea, and you’ve both posted here so clearly not banned permanently.

Could be an IP was banned and you’ve been caught up in that. An Admin will look into it I’m sure.

same for me and im in n.i just now. mine happened after “ladytrucker” removed a pic I posted so I assumed it was because of that,though no warning etc,and no reply to my query to her not known for my tact and diplomacy but ive seen worse on t shirts than on the pic and nobody posted any offence,hence just wondered why the coincidence of the i.p ban. are you not meant to get the rules version of warnings and yellow cards etc before blocked like it says on the info link??

sorry to trouble again… it also tells me that ive been permenantly banned from the board along with the i.p address same as as im not banned because im still posting then would someone be able to tell us why you would have banned our ip addresses which is trying to amount to the same thing?..thanks in advance

anyone running more than one account :open_mouth:

Strewth Nick, i struggle enough with the one account.

I also only have the 1 account .■■

Have a look at this topic here, several people have had problems with Virgin Media. That thread may help, specially the posts from DieselDave.

im on sky but will take a look…cheers…can you pass on the query to see if its something internal that we never got a warning about? mines a bit coincidal.tks

switch off modem,delete everything,wait for a while and switch back on,reboot pc,and all clear…problem solved.

switch off modem,delete everything,wait for a while and switch back on,reboot pc,and all clear…problem solved.

What you’re doing by rebooting your router/modem is changing your IP address, but that only works if you have a dynamic IP address and some ISPs these days use static IPs.

Sorted, Dieseldog’s suggestion worked, hopefully back to what loosely passes for normal here… :laughing:

No one in this thread has been banned- I checked :slight_smile: some proxy IP addresses are banned from a problem we had a few years ago.
we had software that banned some Tor and other proxy servers IP automatically and you may have got caught up in that.
Virgin media for some reason also seems to block us on occasion - we have no idea why and despite repeated requests for an answer they haven’t yet come back.

The server will also block an IP (your internet address) if it detects any “unusual” activity, such as trying to post (inject) code or html into a post, this is a security measure to try to stop anyone hacking the website, It can happen that an innocent post may fall foul of this, but it is very rare. It maybe that you have done something entirely innocent that our server security didn’t like. But without knowing what you tried to post I cant check.

A few years ago when I was on sky they had a habit of blocking this site had many disagreements with them about it as they dint believe me something to do with the “godaddy” server or something it was only when I threatened to leave that they sorted it out

It’s virgin chuffin VIRGIN MEDIA… ALMOST a ruddy week now. Cause someone’s posted about it sods law it’s happened :imp:… Still waiting for them to sort it…

It’s virgin chuffin VIRGIN MEDIA… ALMOST a ruddy week now. Cause someone’s posted about it sods law it’s happened :imp:… Still waiting for them to sort it…

I feel for you Nick, cos I’ve had exactly the same with VM. :smiling_imp:

In the end and after a LOT (measured in weeks :open_mouth: ) of being messed around with crap excuses and supposedly helpful suggestions, I asked to be put through to the person I need to speak to in order to cancel my contract with them.

All I can say is that it was sorted pretty quickly after that :wink:

I haven’t had any bans or such , but I have had trouble logging in a few times.

once again…
switch off modem,delete everything on laptop,cookies browser history,just everything,wait for a while and switch back on,reboot pc,and all clear…problem solved…its not just virgin, im with sky,and ive another house with talktalk…they just dont like trucknet for some reason as its never ever happened with any other website in the last 20 years.if you get greif here,try and log in from your mobile,or log in from a proxy server.if that works ok,then you have the aforementioned problem awaiting the aforementioned remedy.