Bizarre parking spot

the maoster:

would have been nice to invite him to park in your yard for safety

Indeed. In fact I could’ve taken him to my house to use my bed too as I wasn’t using it at the time. When I get paid a carers allowance I shall make it my business to whiz around helping the terminally stupid.

Btw, you may have noticed that I said our yard was a coldstore? If you aint in the refrigerated business you can’t be expected to know that due to the presence of liquid ammonia on site overnight parking is verboten. Even our motors from different depots aren’t allowed to night out there.

Luvly, a free bed for the night in Sleaford. As for parking in a coldstore? never been refused when im out of time, but some sites might have their own rules my friend

What would the law say about his choice of parking, if say for instance, he got rear ended by a Vauxhall Corsa packed full of drunk/stoned 18 year olds doing 110mph and all five occupants died in a horrific fireball?

What would the law say about his choice of parking, if say for instance, he got rear ended by a Vauxhall Corsa packed full of drunk/stoned 18 year olds doing 110mph and all five occupants died in a horrific fireball?

I’d say the law would hang him out to dry.

Must be some corsa to do 100mph with five people in it

Fatboy slimslow:


b) They are euro trampers acting in fear of draconian fines across the water.

I nominate B. Any driver that drives across Europe will consider VOSAs dinky fines a bit of a joke :wink:

vostapos :laughing: dinky fines aren’t so dinky nowadays! :sunglasses: Christmas cards full of wonga :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Trust me,compared to the rest of Europe they are dinky…

the maoster:
he was on southern Irish plates

Was he 'eck as like. They are quite clearly NI plates. :unamused:


the maoster:
he was on southern Irish plates

Was he 'eck as like. They are quite clearly NI plates. :unamused:

Yeah you’re correct. That was just me not actually giving a F about his nationality really.