Birthday greetings

just heard its Keelmans birthday tomorrow. Well Ken ( Vasey ) may I wish you a good birthday and many more years of happiness to come.


Happy Birthday Ken.

Happy Birthday Ken!!! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Happy Birthday Ken :smiley:

Happy Birthday Dad


thanks Danneke and all that have sent greetings.

but at my age I just wear black and mourn the passing of the years and I check the Dispatched column every morning in the Newcastle Journal and if my names not there I know I can get out of bed

happy birthday ken, all the best from amanda and me.

Happy Birthday Ken

Happy Bday Granda


Happy Birthday Danni

As it is today hope you enjoy it

Happy Birthday Danni

As it is today hope you enjoy it

Happy Birthday Danni

Thankz mam n dave yer i’m not a teenager no more lol

Thankz mam n dave yer i’m not a teenager no more lol

I lost the “teenager” title in 1976 :frowning:
I hope you had a nice day :smiley: