I forgot all about this post,I am going in on Dec.8th for knee replacement,though not a full joint replacement.
The surgeon will be shaving a couple of mm off of each surface of the joint and fitting a metal piece on one side and a plastic one on the other,which he say’s,will last for a good twenty five years,so should see me until the end
I forgot all about this post,I am going in on Dec.8th for knee replacement,though not a full joint replacement.
The surgeon will be shaving a couple of mm off of each surface of the joint and fitting a metal piece on one side and a plastic one on the other,which he say’s,will last for a good twenty five years,so should see me until the end
Hope all goes well for you
All you youngsters, beware!!!
When us older drivers were young (in our 20s and 30s), we all thought we were Superman … or the equivalent depending on your ■■■■■■ leanings. I never used to think a thing about jumping on and off trailers. I used to pull flats and after loading 80 45 gallon drums, would put a fly sheet over them and jump off the load (can you imagine that even being allowed to happen now?). I was Superman … indestructable.
Yesterday (Friday), I cleared my cab and asked the fitter to take the Big Momma decal off the sun visor. After 32 years off thoroughly abusing my body physically, I am due on parade at 0700 Monday morning in ward D5 to ready myself for a double Total Knee Replacement … at just 54 years old!!
The surgeon has already told me I will not be allowed near a truck for at least 6 months and if needed, he will inform the DVLA. Thats ok you think, but the 6 months is just for one knee and I am having the right one done first, then the left one done in 3 months time all being well.
So I am looking at a minimum of 9 months off sick with all the associated pain and grief this is going to cause
I have never been off any length of time before except when I had a serious RTA 21 years ago.
This is going to test wifeys patience as well, I am sure.
So all you youngsters … just remember, you’re not indestructable!!!
Good luck with the op hope it goes well but take it easy & do as Dr say you will recover quicker
If you need any pain killers just ask I have plenty
due to having a fractured back which I done 30 years ago when riding bikes but we live & learn from our own little mishaps when we were younger & fitter with a had a lot more freedom
Take care & come back & tell us how it all went
After asking all the usual stupid questions, I asked what I was allowed to bring in with me. I just know I am going to be bored to the point of suicide by Tuesday evening once I have come round properly. It seems I can take my laptop in. So am thinking of taking my camera too and posting pictures LOLOL
Only just seen this. All the best Ainsley and hope you come out the other side with 2 top quality new knees!
I can recommend a few websites to keep you… “entertained” whilst recovering if you like.
Best of luck buddy.
I had my second hip replacement in March 2010, still struggling with that, both knees bollocksed too. Same reason, jumping off trailers, 100 drops a day on a parcel run and sat on my arse for 10 to 18 hours per day.
Take an ipod or something you will never get comfortable enough to concentrate on reading a book. My legs are still swelling up because I think they took my elastic stockings off too early, now I leak everywhere and the dog follows me around.
Photos are good. I put a few up of my scars and dried blood
Sorry to hear that,hope all goes well.
You may remember I had a knee op just over four years ago,though it was only a shaving of the meniscus,it put me off sick for nearly two months.
When I first went to see the doctor about my painfull knee,and the inability to climb stairs,he asked me what I did for a living.
Lorry driver.
‘Ah!,I suppose you’ve spent a lifetime jumping off of trailers and out of cabs’!
‘Well,you shouldn’t have’.
Fair enough.
Both knees are playing up now,but they say not enough for a knee replacement.
Bugger!Back to the painkillers.
Thanks for being the guinea pigs, guys!
Wheel Nut:
Best of luck buddy.I had my second hip replacement in March 2010, still struggling with that, both knees bollocksed too. Same reason, jumping off trailers, 100 drops a day on a parcel run and sat on my arse for 10 to 18 hours per day.
Take an ipod or something you will never get comfortable enough to concentrate on reading a book. My legs are still swelling up because I think they took my elastic stockings off too early, now I leak everywhere and the dog follows me around.
Photos are good. I put a few up of my scars and dried blood
Thanks for that link, Keith … it has certainly reassured me as I have to have the spinal block too and that has been bothering me big time.
Worked with trucks all my life & the only time I got probs was when I went off radar & tried car transport. The constant getting in low slung seats & moving the cars about did my back in in no time flat. The only cars I was comfortable with were R.Rovers & big Volvos - forget Porche ,Farrari, & those handbuilt Morgans, etc…AAaaaggh!!!
Trouble with the guys with knee probs is that they all have massve upper bodies & thin legs due to hours of sitting driving. I was lucky, started skinny & ended up middleweight. No known knee prob.
Trouble with the guys with knee probs is that they all have massve upper bodies & thin legs due to hours of sitting driving. I was lucky, started skinny & ended up middleweight. No known knee prob.
Yes, I could go along with that, Harry … but I have always been a big bloke and without the skinny legs LOL. When I came home from living in Greece for 2 years back at the end of the 80s, I was as fit as a butchers dog. I used to run up 11 floors on the job I was on. I was 6’ with a 52" chest and a 32" waist weighing 16 stone then as my knees starting getting worse at the end of the 90s, I gradually had to slow down. Due to a complete inability to exercise for the last 5 years, I have now added 5 stone to my ‘fighting weight’ of 16 stone. I say ‘complete inability’ simply because just walking causes me untold pain in my knees but I have refused to let this beat me til this year. As I reminded my missus a month or so ago, I could have gone sick any time in the last 5 years and sat at home on benefits. But thats not my style. I have only pushed for something to be done now as away from work I have to use a walking stick and because I am not walking properly but shuffling along, it causes my legs to swell (doctors diagnosis as to why they swell as in water retention).
It is embarrassing having to get up and down from the cab like a 90 year old and being unable to keep up with the wife when out shopping.
I am so looking forward to chasing her round the bedroom again!!!
I can relate to that Bear as when I get up in the mornings I tend to shuffle also if I sit to long when I get up to walk the same thing happens but this is not my knees it is my ankles poss due to my back prob ( which is in handso with some luck should help ) but when younger I did break 1 of my ankles so since then had a prob with water on it the other have had tenderities
I am a bit younger than you at 45 but also a little lighter at 7st ish but 4ft 10 and I refuse to give up or use a walking stick at the minute
With some luck for you this op will be a big help hope it works well and you can get back to chasing wife round the bedroom
all the best with the OP had mine done 2005 with as 6 month gap in between
hope it does the job, for you but please remember follow all what the
doc,s tell you to do,
And the fact that they give you drugs which are much stronger and cheaper than Tetleys
I can send you some Tildin if you need it
Well, 8 days later and I am home.
Having a TKR under a spinal block is the most amazing thing ever!! I was laid there and could feel the hammering, chiselling, sawing etc and never felt a bit of pain.
The drugs they kept me on from Monday til Tuesday evening were superb and I wish I had some now as I am in pain LOL
Well, 8 days later and I am home.
Having a TKR under a spinal block is the most amazing thing ever!! I was laid there and could feel the hammering, chiselling, sawing etc and never felt a bit of pain.
The drugs they kept me on from Monday til Tuesday evening were superb and I wish I had some now as I am in pain LOL
Well done, did you have them both done together in the end?
The Spinal tap gives you a lovely warm feeling doesn’t it? and you are alert and ready for some food & drink when they finish hammering and chiseling
Well, 8 days later and I am home.
Having a TKR under a spinal block is the most amazing thing ever!! I was laid there and could feel the hammering, chiselling, sawing etc and never felt a bit of pain.
The drugs they kept me on from Monday til Tuesday evening were superb and I wish I had some now as I am in pain LOL
only just found this thread hope you’re coping with everything Bear, just take it easy !
Well, 8 days later and I am home.
Having a TKR under a spinal block is the most amazing thing ever!! I was laid there and could feel the hammering, chiselling, sawing etc and never felt a bit of pain.
The drugs they kept me on from Monday til Tuesday evening were superb and I wish I had some now as I am in pain LOL
Nice one Austin glad it went well and you’re on the mind.