Big fines in Spain?

Hi, anyone know why the Spanish police are handing out big fines, ie €2000 or more, are they on comission?. Four UK drivers fined today for tractor plus trailer being too long?? (possibly 6 wheelers, don’t know for sure) Also slightly over driving time by literaly minutes also equals mega fine. Just setting off there now so would like to know what anyone knows. Thanks

xmas :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I was thinking more along the line of ■■■■ Turpin not Santa. :confused:

A Penny to a Pound says that this happened in the Pamplona area ■■?

Apparently they all happened near to Navarra.

one word : coños

€2000 euro fine, unbelieveable.

xmas :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ithink you are right, doing France and Spain last trip I got stopped 7 times by police and customs, odd seing I haven’t been stopped for about a year before this trip, mind you it was running up to Xmas then as well :imp: :imp: :imp:

Apparently they all happened near to Navarra.

Which is Pamplona area

basically it is toss up between the Forales of Navarra and the Mosso’s in Catalunya as to which has the biggest collection of in their ranks.

The Forales will just keep on plugging away until they find something and they do not caare what, we had a brand new Volvo stopped there the other week 3 days old and the first thing they did was completely dismantle the digital tachograph.
They were not amused when I told the driver to refuse to move the vehicle until someone qualified had been to check that the tacho had been correctly reinstalled (at their expense of course).

Many people confuse the Forales with the Basque Ertzaintza because of the red berets but they are not the same.
The Ertzaintza are hard but usually quite fair with them black is black and white is white either you are in the right or in the wrong there are no grey areas but at least you know where you stand with them.

( no stars allowed ) jd