Best Sat Nav device

Hi folks,

Got a new job and will be covering different routes, might take a whike to learn them all so in the meantime i was gonna buy a sat nav to help me and avoid getting lost.

What is the best sat nav? and can you drop pins in them and save locations?

thank you

Mine is a model that is no longer current, but I’ve been happy with the TomTom 6250, especially the traffic updates for the life of the device. You might find a good priced S/H model on ebay.

Some people like the Road Lords app, but apparently the new version isn’t accepting vehicle height input, which is a majorly important feature for a pro device to have.

Others like the Garmel Dezl, I’ve never used that.

most of the apps are a waste of time fine if your on a push bike or in a van i guess as you can turn round easily.

i had a tom tom and used it till it broke but only once used the live traffic feature because i was fed up sitting in traffic for 2 hours in deptford on the a2. all it did was spin me round and round in circles every 5 yards it would decide there was a quicker way and take me back down the road i was on back to where i was. The other issue i had with it was if you decided you didnt like the look of a road it wanted you to take it would spend the next 10 minutes trying its hardest to take you back to it so you would be “blind” until it decided that you really didnt want to use that road.

i have a garmin with free traffic if i hook it up to the internet via bluetooth which i have never bothered with mainly because i cant be arsed to carry 1/2 mile of cables to charge/power everything. The only complaint i originally had was it tends to say things like at the lights turn right or at the carphone warehouse turn left. I had to train myself to look at it and see where the junction was.

Ohrex 798, I’ve been using it for over a month now and it’s quite good

TomTom Go phone app is what I have been using and I give it 85% good score. Most satnavs are 85% good. I have had a tomtom Pro truck and it is no better than the phone app I am now using