
Anyone see the program on BBC last night one woman looking after her 4 grandkids no mention of a mother or father getting £50000 per year then saying she didn’t have enough to pay the rent, another man getting £20000 who wouldn’t pay the rent because he openly admitted he needed £40 per week for beer and ■■■■ and said others should pay for him not that he should get a job.

Bet your glad your sat in a truck all week so you can pay your tax to help them along.

Seen plenty of them programmes…And makes your blood boil…But i know what i’d rather be doing…And have some self respect

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These people are an exception to the norm and the TV channels like to cart them out now and again so red top rag readers tar everyone out of work as ‘scroungers’. I’ve been out of work as a single dad to two children and the reality is far from this sort of tripe.

The TV companies and the press search high and low for bottom feeders like them, they are the exception to the rule.

im still shaking with anger tv nearly went through window

If you believe all people on benefits are like that then I pity you. Having spent close to 5 years on benefits and being beaten down by a system that does not want to help you at all I can assure you it’s not all that good and they certainly are not getting that much money.

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This 2 kids maximum rule is long over due. Scrubbers getting nailed from the age of 16 and having 4/5/6 kids and never having worked a day, and have paid f**k all into the system.

It’s ok though, us lot will look after all the scrotes… :imp:

Seen plenty of them programmes…And makes your blood boil…But i know what i’d rather be doing…And have some self respect

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

That is what the MSM hate campaign is about, sod letting the truth get in the way of a good story, It’s distraction on other issues that are costing the tax payer a hell of a lot more, such as in work benefits WTC, paid to the cheap imported labour as well as other benefits for their families, free education, free health care for what has become the International HS

Governments for the past 20years or so have been persecuting those who are native and on benefits, in particular, the sick and disabled, all these so-called welfare reforms they have introduced ie sanctions, cuts to rates of benefit, work programme etc, have cost the tax payer a dam sight more money than they have saved and have resulted in deaths of vulnerable claimants , We need to reduce significantly the number of EU nationals working here on the cheap because the tax payer is topping up their wages and helping these employers get rich off the backs of them, which in turn does nothing to help motivate out own unemployed into work, and the hypocrites in government would not work for the min wage or below it, so why should anyone else ?

Being on benefits isn’t any kind of life, could you manage on £73.10 each week or whatever it is today, yes some get help with their rent and council tax, but usually they will end up having to pay a small amount of it from that £73.10 per week
Those or most of those who are deemed too sick to work don’t fair much better , as councils will reduce the amount that they pay accordingly , And things are set to only get harder for them thank’s in part to this hate campaign by the Lame stream media

This 2 kids maximum rule is long over due. Scrubbers getting nailed from the age of 16 and having 4/5/6 kids and never having worked a day, and have paid f**k all into the system.

It’s ok though, us lot will look after all the scrotes… :imp:

what about the Mozzy illegal invaders from the 3rd world with their many wives and families of 6 or more? some who are radicalised no one dare say cuk or bogger about that dare they because the country is doomed by the PC bs

And if we look into the facts from the stats it shows that the majority of births in the uk are by EU nationals and not the indigenous followed by other nationalities , our women are having the smallest number of children, your msm won’t broadcast those facts and what it’s impact on the IHS (NHS) as it is known as today not to mention the costs , thats without adding the benefits and social housing and free education

Anyone see the program on BBC last night one woman looking after her 4 grandkids no mention of a mother or father getting £50000 per year then saying she didn’t have enough to pay the rent, another man getting £20000 who wouldn’t pay the rent because he openly admitted he needed £40 per week for beer and ■■■■ and said others should pay for him not that he should get a job.

Bet your glad your sat in a truck all week so you can pay your tax to help them along.

I bet they never revealed how much the rent was ? or why there wasn’t anything affordable available did they ? and that total of 5k a year would probably include any housing benefit or council tax assistance as well as the grandmother’s benefits because child benefit is nowhere near that amount
Scroll down to find the child benefit rates £20.70 for the eldest child and £13.70 for the other 3, + £16.55 guardians allowance maybe each week =£3213.60 per year in child benefit for the 4 kids to feed and clothe them , it isn’t alot infact it would be a struggle with shcool uniforms and only knows what else

All these programes that spout a very one sided narative are designed to do is divide us and instil hate for fellow brits

Those benefits being paid to the elite super rich and to eu citizens who’s children don’t even live in the uk is what boils my ■■■■,

What about making a programme about the thieving scumbags in the House of Lords? Theres that Osborne git He has a new job as editor of the Evening Standard (a good paying job),also he is a Memberof Parliament another well paid gig.He works for a trust fund and has to turn up 48 days per annum,they pay him £660,000 for his efforts there.I would like to see some checks and balances being applied ,this is a prosperous Country every one should have a reasonable share.I am in my 60s and have had a few months of unemployment and was treated like zb by the system.Rant over.

the ones who annoy me more are the hate preachers,as far as I know they are all on benefits,they are being paid from our taxes to hate this country and us,my way would be to stop all benefits to these pxxxxs so they starve if they can’t get money elsewhere,if on social housing evict them and make them homeless,give their council houses to people who do need them,these hate preachers would then have a reason to hate this country,but then we take their british citizenship away so they can then be deported to a country of their choice[if any country would have them]would this government do that,fat chance,human rights innit as others would say

What about making a programme about the thieving scumbags in the House of Lords? Theres that Osborne git He has a new job as editor of the Evening Standard (a good paying job),also he is a Memberof Parliament another well paid gig.He works for a trust fund and has to turn up 48 days per annum,they pay him £660,000 for his efforts there.I would like to see some checks and balances being applied ,this is a prosperous Country every one should have a reasonable share.I am in my 60s and have had a few months of unemployment and was treated like zb by the system.Rant over.

Top ranting pal !

And spot on. :wink:

I was on benefits for a while and and surviving depends on the area you live in I’ve got 4 kids and all in used to get 500 or more per week no rent no council tax to pay but I rather work. I spoke to a benifit adviser the other week at the job centre and got told why am I working. Then went on to advise me as I work away all week I could class myself as single and the wife will get income support and all this and that paid for

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

What about making a programme about the thieving scumbags in the House of Lords? Theres that Osborne git He has a new job as editor of the Evening Standard (a good paying job),also he is a Memberof Parliament another well paid gig.He works for a trust fund and has to turn up 48 days per annum,they pay him £660,000 for his efforts there.I would like to see some checks and balances being applied ,this is a prosperous Country every one should have a reasonable share.I am in my 60s and have had a few months of unemployment and was treated like zb by the system.Rant over.

Er “That Osborne git” isn’t in the House of Lords…

the ones who annoy me more are the hate preachers,as far as I know they are all on benefits,they are being paid from our taxes to hate this country and us,my way would be to stop all benefits to these pxxxxs so they starve if they can’t get money elsewhere,if on social housing evict them and make them homeless,give their council houses to people who do need them,these hate preachers would then have a reason to hate this country,but then we take their british citizenship away so they can then be deported to a country of their choice[if any country would have them]would this government do that,fat chance,human rights innit as others would say

Well said truckman !

Human rights lawyers = Scavenging vultures.


What about making a programme about the thieving scumbags in the House of Lords? Theres that Osborne git He has a new job as editor of the Evening Standard (a good paying job),also he is a Memberof Parliament another well paid gig.He works for a trust fund and has to turn up 48 days per annum,they pay him £660,000 for his efforts there.I would like to see some checks and balances being applied ,this is a prosperous Country every one should have a reasonable share.I am in my 60s and have had a few months of unemployment and was treated like zb by the system.Rant over.

Er “That Osborne git” isn’t in the House of Lords…

No, But there are plenty of parasites in that house claiming £300 per day for turning up and signing in and then returning home without doing a tap , or staying in there and spending most of that time sleeping, Mandelson is one that should be swinging from a rope along with his gay lover teflon tony (MIRANDA) accoring to some rumours, It was also b-liar that put mandy in the house of parasites

the ones who annoy me more are the hate preachers,as far as I know they are all on benefits,they are being paid from our taxes to hate this country and us,my way would be to stop all benefits to these pxxxxs so they starve if they can’t get money elsewhere,if on social housing evict them and make them homeless,give their council houses to people who do need them,these hate preachers would then have a reason to hate this country, but then we take their British citizenship away so they can then be deported to a country of their choice[if any country would have them]would this government do that,fat chance,against their human rights innit as others would say

They should be deported not appeased because that only helps them fight against us, Why is it that all the LIB/LAB/CON are against the white indigious race of this country , they have one set of rules for us and a completely different rule set for those 3rd world savages that have no place in the eu never mind the uk, but these political leaders are akin to turkeys voting for Christmas
More recently they found bomb making equipment inside a british prison , the muz inside prisons are runing them and radicalising whites belive it or not, the so called religion of peace is anything but a religion it’s a cult

I was on benefits for a while and and surviving depends on the area you live in I’ve got 4 kids and all in used to get 500 or more per week no rent no council tax to pay but I rather work. I spoke to a benifit adviser the other week at the job centre and got told why am I working. Then went on to advise me as I work away all week I could class myself as single and the wife will get income support and all this and that paid for

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


You’d get done for benefit fraud. Even staying their one night now classes you as a partner iirc.

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I was on benefits for a while and and surviving depends on the area you live in I’ve got 4 kids and all in used to get 500 or more per week no rent no council tax to pay but I rather work. I spoke to a benifit adviser the other week at the job centre and got told why am I working. Then went on to advise me as I work away all week I could class myself as single and the wife will get income support and all this and that paid for

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

How’s that work lol. Surely you’d have to proclaim you’re single and then you’d be classed as someone commiting benefit fraud lol

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If they are co habiting in the same aboad ie living together, then yes it would be fraud for either you or your partner to declare that your single, and wouldn’t be worth the hassle, and IS is a means tested benefit so would depend on the household income being less than a certain amount to meet the criteria Income Support: Overview - GOV.UK