Belgrade loading 1986

Hi ALL in my writing, i am trying to remember when i loaded at a KOOLING HOUSE, cold store in Belgrade, did they issue me with A carnet from them ,just to the Austrian boarder,then Tform home, or TIR carnet from them to UK… i do not remember taking one out with me.any answers you old fridge men please.

Hi DBP.Surely if they issued you with a carnet from Belgade it would have been through to point of destination as this was the whole point of a carnet.Otherwise you would have had a national transit document from Belgrade to the border and there made a T form though to the UK.

Hi IHutpik it must have been a national transit document, thanks as T FORMS were made in Austria ,as i made the fatal mistake of not having a sample of the goods to show customs , why they did not open the back up i do not know, have you ever tried to explain sweet-corn in pidgin,german/austrian, i was rescued by another driver.