Belgium 2 lane overtaking ban....enforceable?

running up the 411 today from lux. had coffee with a dutch driver who said the police could not enforce the bans. as it goes against euro free movement of goods and trade laws. any ideas cause i for one have had enough of the east european 75-80km gang? cheers in advace

I got fined 50 euros for overtaking a communist doing 70k :unamused: no symathy from the copper.
if it was against an EU rule or our human rights how come the bloody french have them everywhere now? the forest road is complete no overtaking now from the border at irun to bordeaux :imp: :imp: :imp:

I got fined 50 euros for overtaking a communist doing 70k :unamused: no symathy from the copper.
if it was against an EU rule or our human rights how come the bloody french have them everywhere now? the forest road is complete no overtaking now from the border at irun to bordeaux :imp: :imp: :imp:

I came up the N10 from Angouleme to Tours yesterday and there are all the new signs in place, 80km and no overtaking for red trucks :frowning:

running up the 411 today from lux. had coffee with a dutch driver who said the police could not enforce the bans. as it goes against euro free movement of goods and trade laws. any ideas cause i for one have had enough of the east european 75-80km gang? cheers in advace

I have an idea the Dutch guy was talking ■■■■■■■■. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: As soon as one of these characters starts on about it being against something, human rights, free movement and the like it’s best to just walk away. :wink:

Many countries around Europe have overtaking restrictions in place for trucks and have no problem enforcing it.

I got done a few years back heading down to Lux. 2 rather tidy looking female coppers took me in the car to a cashpoint to get some cash to pay.
I just paid up, they told me in English what I was being done for, I didnt question it and I didnt tell them I wasnt going to f :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: g pay or any of the ■■■■ you here from other drivers!

I have an idea the Dutch guy was talking ■■■■■■■■. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: As soon as one of these characters starts on about it being against something, human rights, free movement and the like it’s best to just walk away. :wink:

Many countries around Europe have overtaking restrictions in place for trucks and have no problem enforcing it.

once again Coffee has it correct

thanks for replys… what is the fine…90 euro same as france. cause there were plenty who just blew it on past me…cheers

thanks for replys… what is the fine…90 euro same as france. cause there were plenty who just blew it on past me…cheers

WBIS said he was fined €50 for overtaking on that stretch.

One of the ‘it’s unenforcible because … ’ , is because the signs don’t comply with EU road signage rules.
That one’s also a myth. The reason that one is wrong is that Belgium introduced a blanket ban for trucks overtaking on 2x2 roads. There are signs telling you this at every border crossing. At the Lux’ Belgie border they’re easy to miss because they’re on the slip road off the parking area. Those rectangular blue signs which say when we can overtake are only there to modify that blanket ban.
I still overtake those mobile chicanes, but I chose my overtaking spot very carefully. :blush: :blush:


thanks for replys… what is the fine…90 euro same as france. cause there were plenty who just blew it on past me…cheers

WBIS said he was fined €50 for overtaking on that stretch.

I still overtake those mobile chicanes, but I chose my overtaking spot very carefully. :blush: :blush:

I’ve learned to keep an eye out for motorbike riders with red crash helmets :blush: :blush: