have just read here on the german site i use about a new law
comeing into Force in Belgian ,AS of the 1st FEB;2007 you will
require to wear a HI-VIZ-VEST when YOU leave the vehicle because of
a Breakdown or Accident,(this rule is only for the driver ); IF you get
caught not wearing a vest the fine is between €50 and €1400.

a added note the above is all ready law in the followingcountrys


AS REGARDS USE OF THE hi-viz-vest,

brit pete:
.a added note the above is all ready law in the followingcountrys


AS REGARDS USE OF THE hi-viz-vest,

And of course France,though after the sudden interest the jolly Gendarmes don’t take much notice now.

As im starting on euro work next week :smiley: , can you tell me if the seatbelt law applies there(Belgium), to be honest i really cant remember if i used to wear one there or not, i did in France, but dont remember if i took it off when i got over the border or not. :confused:

As im starting on euro work next week :smiley: , can you tell me if the seatbelt law applies there(Belgium), to be honest i really cant remember if i used to wear one there or not, i did in France, but dont remember if i took it off when i got over the border or not. :confused:

well done about time as well.

is it for magnus or someone else.